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2023-11-28 22:00:13 爱真题 390

Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: In this part, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single ling through the centre.

1、 Mr. White, together with his wife and three children, ______ going to the party this evening.

A. am    B. is

C. will    D. are

2、 Mary asked Joe and Jim to go on a picnic with her this Sunday, but ______ of them can, because they will have to work.

A. either    B. any

C. neither    D. none

3、 Most people enjoy ______ letters, but few seem to be interested in writing them.

A. read    B. to have read

C. reading    D. to read

4、 If it ______ tomorrow, the basketball match will have to be canceled.

A. rain    B. will rain

C. rained    D. rains

5、 The coffee is wonderful! It's the best of all the coffee that I ______ before.

A. was having    B. have

C. have ever had    D. had ever had

6、 The birthday cake ______ delicious. I can't wait to taste it.

A. feels    B. sounds

C. becomes    D. smells

7、 Whether we will go for an outing this Saturday ______ on whether the weather is fine.

A. depends    B. takes

C. puts    D. gets

8、 After three day's discussion at the meeting, they finally got a solution ______ the economic problem.

A. with    B. on

C. to    D. in

9、 I hadn't seen Victoria for years, but I ______ her voice on the telephone right away.

A. realized    B. recognized

C. discovered"    D. heard

10、 —Have you ______ your friend Bill recently?

—No, he doesn't often write to me.

A. heard about    B. heard of

C. heard from    D. received from

11、 Jack can't find his dictionary. He must have ______ it in the classroom.

A. lost    B. left

C. forgotten    D. found

12、 It is foolish of Nancy to ______ Peter as her friend because he always lies to her.

A. respect    B. admire

C. judge    D. regard

13、 Matt had been exhausted but felt considerably ______ alter a meal and some rest.

A. relieved    B. refreshed

C. recreated    D. renewed

14、 Simon does not ______ his fellow workers because they often argue over trivial matters.

A. get on with    B. come up with

C. do away with    D. go on with

15、 To know what is good and ______ are two quite different things.

A. knowing what is wrong    B. do what is right

C. to do what is right    D. doing what is right

16、 Please take the medicine three times a day, ______ it won't work well.

A. and    B. but

C. or    D. so

17、 It is not easy for freshmen to get used to ______ a dorm room with others.

A. share    B. sharing

C. shared    D. shares

18、 When Andrew was in South Africa, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner every day.

A. would    B. should    C. had better    D. might

19、 He was always the last to leave the workshop to ______ the tools before cleaning it up.

A. take away    B. put away

C. throw away    D. get away

20、 —Sorry I am late. I should have called you earlier.

—______. I've just arrived.

A. That's all right    B. You are welcome

C. That's no trouble    D. You can never tell

21、 It is known to all that ______ you exercise regularly, you won't keep good health.

A. if    B. unless

C. although    D. whenever

22、 Jerry had hardly got to the office ______ his wife called him for an emergency at home.

A. when    B. after

C. until    D. than

23、 My family sent my cousin an E-mail ______ his passing the Entrance Examination.

A. congratulated with him    B. congratulating him on

C. to congratulate him on    D. congratulate to him

24、 John had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat off his forehead, because the air-conditioning system ______.

A. broke in    B. broke out

C. broke up    D. broke down

25、 They are moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than ______ in the city.

A. one    B. ones

C. that    D. those

26、 His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has ______ wonderful changes in their lives.

A. got through    B. brought about

C. turned into    D. resulted from

27、 When we finished dinner, Mr. Smith asked the waiter to bring him the ______.

A. tip    B. dish

C. menu    D. bill

28、 We are expecting that the days will come soon ______ we will be able to breathe clean air again.

A. as    B. when    C. while    D. since

29、 It's a pity that we have to stay at home when we are having ______ weather.

A. so fine    B. so fine a

C. such fine    D. such a fine

30、 After having lived in Canada for thirty years, Tom returned to the small town ______ he grew up.

A. which    B. where

C. that    D. when

31、 The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult.

A. not make    B. not to make

C. not making    D. don't make

32、 Most people have come to realize that it is high time the government ______ further measures to control the air pollution.

A. must take    B. is taking

C. took    D. takes

33、 ______ recently? I have not seen you for quite some time.

—I have traveled around the world for the past few months.

A. Where have you been    B. Where did you go

C. Where were you going    D. Where were you gone

34、 ______ difficulties we may come across, we'll help one another to overcome them.

A. Wherever    B. Whatever

C. However    D. Whenever

35、 Ann listens to you; only you can ______ her to give up the foolish idea of dropping out of college.

A. suggest    B. persuade

C. tempt    D. attract

36、 Fishing is a hobby which takes a great deal of ______.

A. power    B. intelligence

C. patience    D. strength

37、 Edith managed to ______ her children with food and clothing by working two jobs.

A. provide    B. equip

C. form    D. discover

38、 Only by shouting at the top of his voice ______.

A. he was able to make himself hear    B. he was able to make himself heard

C. was he able to make himself heard    D. was he able to make himself hear

39、 John ______ French very quickly during the last three months in France.

A. took out    B. picked up

C. looked for    D. led to

40、 Since she retired, she has been living partly on her pension and partly on the ______ on her savings account.

A. salary    B. wages

C. interest    D. income

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension

Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

If someone is sleepwalking, they are walking around while they are asleep. Sleepwalking happens when a person is not fully asleep but not quite awake. Usually we move from our deepest level of sleep to a lighter level and stay there. Sleepwalkers come right up to wake levels but do not fully awaken. It is at this time that they get up and walk.

The longer a person stays in deep sleep, the more time it takes for the sleep to be broken. That opens up the possibility of being awakened (but not fully) and of sleepwalking.

Sleepwalking happens more often among young people than grown-ups because young people usually have more deep sleep. Up to 7% of 5 to 12-year-olds sleepwalk, while only about 2% of grown-ups sleepwalk. We get less deep sleep as we are getting older and the possibility of sleepwalking is also reduced.

Sleepwalking may run in families, too. If one of your parents was a sleepwalker, you have about a 50% possibility of also being a sleepwalker.

41、 This passage is about ______.

A. why sleepwalking happens

B. where sleepwalkers go

C. what sleepwalkers do

D. when sleepwalkers walk

42、 Who has more possibility of sleepwalking? ______

A. Grown-ups.    B. Young people.

C. Old men.    D. Old women.

43、 What does "reduced" mean in "...the possibility of sleepwalking is also reduced" in Paragraph Three? ______

A. Opened up.    B. Cut down.

C. Kept on.    D. Sped up.

44、 People have more possibility of developing sleepwalk ______.

A. when they get older

B. when they become parents themselves

C. if their parents sleep walked

D. if they don't sleep well

45、 This passage may be from ______

A. a story book    B. a travel book

C. a science book    D. a cooking book

Passage Two

Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us would rather eat sweets and ice cream than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for the stomach if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite. It is important for us to eat our meal at the same time each day. When we feel hungry, it is a sign that our bodies need food. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want to eat. When we are worried, we may not want to eat, either.

A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow the bread, it was a sign that he was not telling the truth—he was telling a lie. Although this seems very strange and rather foolish, it is indeed an excellent way of finding out the truth. A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry, because when he is worrying, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.

46、 We had better develop good eating habits if ______.

A. we want to eat more

B. we want to save time

C. we want to be healthy and strong

D. we want to eat less

47、 ______ may take away our appetite before we have our meal.

A. Either meat or rice

B. Both sweets and ice cream

C. Neither sweets nor ice cream

D. Not only meat but also rice

48、 We had better have our meals ______.

A. when our work is over

B. at the same time every day

C. when the meal is being cooked

D. before we go back home

49、 A man who is angry has ______.

A. a poor appetite

B. a better appetite

C. to eat more food

D. to eat dry bread

50、 The judges in old England considered that a man could ______ if he told a lie.

A. swallow dry bread easily

B. drink milk or hot water

C. hardly swallow dry bread

D. eat a lot of dry bread

Passage Three

If we take a close look at successful language learners, we may discover a few techniques which make language learning easier for them.

First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not rely on books or teachers; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain everything, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions.

Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them.

51、 Successful language learners want to learn the language because ______.

A. they have to pass the examination

B. they are interested in it

C. they want to find better jobs

D. they think it is very easy to learn

52、 Successful language learning is active, so successful learners ______.

A. only use the language in class

B. try to avoid using the language

C. wait for a chance to use the language

D. look for a chance to use the language

53、 According to the passage, when successful language learners meet some new words, they usually ______.

A. wait for their teachers to explain them

B. look them up in the dictionary at once

C. try to guess their meaning

D. ask their teachers

54、 Which one of the following statements is TRUE about successful language learners according to the passage? ______

A. They are more intelligent than others.

B. They are learners with a purpose.

C. They have good teachers and good books.

D. They spend much more time learning than others.

55、 What is the purpose of this passage? ______

A. To explain the importance of language learning.

B. To compare language learning with language teaching.

C. To teach people to speak a foreign language.

D. To introduce some useful techniques of language learning.

Passage Four

Do you have a phobia (恐惧症)? Does it spread? No, it is not an infectious (传染的) disease, but it can make you quite as bad. A phobia is an unreasonable fear of some particular thing or situation. Do you know that some people fear heights? That is caned acrophobia. Many people experience claustrophobia when they are in a closed space such as a small room or an elevator. Zoophobia is a fear of animals. There are names for fear of thunder, lightning, wide open spaces, people, crowds, darkness, water, and many other things.

A phobia expert tells us that in the coming of a phobic situation, a person has what is called an "anxiety attack". Blood rushes to his larger muscles in preparation for fight or flight.

One expert on phobia suggests we reduce our fears gradually. A person who is afraid of people could overcome this fear by getting accustomed to them one at a time. Someone who is afraid of water could take swimming lessons in a pool with a lifeguard at hand. A person afraid of heights could practice looking down from middle heights first until he could handle the greater ones.

56、 A person who is afraid of cats is most likely to have ______.

A. homophobia    B. acrophobia

C. zoophobia    D. claustrophobia

57、 A good way to overcome one's unreasonable fear of something would be ______.

A. trying to avoid it

B. preparing for fight or flight

C. getting rid of the anxiety attack

D. trying to get used to it

58、 If you have a phobia, ______.

A. you must take swimming lessons in a safe pool

B. it will be as troublesome as an infectious disease

C. you may attend some parties

D. you had better practice looking down from middle heights first

59、 A man who has a phobia ______.

A. is called an anxiety attack

B. has blood rush to his legs

C. has the feeling of flight

D. fears some particular thing or situation

60、 The writer of this passage tells us that ______.

A. when some phobia breaks out in someone, he will feel too anxious about something

B. a person who fears people can run a race with others

C. a man afraid of heights can climb to at all building easily

D. everyone dares to swim in pools where there is no lifeguard

Ⅲ. Cloze Test

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D below the passage. You should decide on the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Last week Linda had a job interview, but she was a few minutes late. Wilson  61   the office when she got there. His secretary told her he  62   back soon. She  63   to sit down and wait a little bit in the outer office.

"I'll never get this job," she  64   herself. For a moment she wanted to  65   the building. Just then, Wilson came  66   the door and hurried into his office. A few minutes  67   his secretary took Linda in and introduced her. Linda apologized  68  . Wilson didn't seem to  69  . They chatted casually(随便地) and then got  70   to business. He  71   her letter of application.

"You've never worked in a radio or television station before,  72  ?" he said. Now she was  73   that she would not get the job. Wilson asked her  74   questions.

To her surprise, he seemed impressed with her other qualifications (资格). She was  75   when he asked her  76   she could start soon. "I wonder if you'd mind  77   next month?" he asked  78  .

79   seemed she had got the job  80  .

61、 A. had left    B. has left

C. was left    D. would be leaving

62、 A. had been    B. came    C. was    D. would be

63、 A. asked    B. was asked    C. ask    D. was asking

64、 A. told    B. spoke    C. said    D. talked

65、 A. run out    B. run of    C. run out of    D. run away

66、 A. through    B. across    C. cross    D. along

67、 A. latest    B. latter    C. late    D. later

68、 A. to being late    B. for being late    C. to be late    D. for the late

69、 A. mind    B. listen    C. notice    D. hear

70、 A. in    B. out    C. up    D. down

71、 A. filled out    B. took out    C. sent out    D. threw away

72、 A. haven't you    B. do you    C. have you    D. don't you

73、 A. more sure    B. much sure    C. even sure    D. less sure

74、 A. a few such    B. a few more    C. much a few    D. more a few

75、 A. more surprise    B. much surprise

C. more surprised    D. much surprised

76、 A. what    B. if    C. where    D. why

77、 A. starting    B. to start    C. start    D. started

78、 A. by a smile    B. with a smile    C. by smile    D. with smile

79、 A. It    B. This    C. That    D. He

80、 A. not at all    B. after all    C. all    D. after that

Ⅳ. Translation

Directions: In this part, there is one passage in English. Read the passage carefully and translate it into Chinese.

81、What is honesty? Honesty means telling the truth and being fair and just in conduct. Considered as a virtue, it is valued in almost every country and every culture. As a proverb goes, "Honesty is the best policy." For one thing, if you want to be trusted and respected, you must be honest. A liar is always looked down upon by the people around. For another, if you want to succeed in your work, honesty is the first quality you should have. Therefore, no matter what dream you have, you should be honest to make it come true.

Ⅴ. Writing

82、Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition of 120 to 180 words. You should base your writing on the title and outline given below.

Addiction to Smart Phones



