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2023-11-30 21:38:12 爱真题 228

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure


1、The actress is not so beautiful ______ the local newspaper described.

A. that

B. which

C. as

D. so

2、His mother often says to him, “It's high time that you ______.”

A. got married and settle down

B. getting married and settle down

C. would get married and settle down

D. got married and settled down

3、They always give the available seats to ______ comes first.

A. whoever

B. whomever

C. who

D. whom

4、______ a driver's license, my father could drive to anywhere he wanted to.

A. Having been got

B. Getting

C. Having to get

D. Having got

5、______, her suggestion is of greater value than yours.

A. All things considering

B. All things considered

C. All things were considered

D. With all things were considered

6、Wounded ______ he was, he refused to come back from the front.

A. since

B. for

C. as

D. although

7、The workers are practicing ______ for the coming party of the New Year's Eve.

A. to sing

B. to be singing

C. singing

D. being sung

8、______ the door when a gust of wind blew out the candle.

A. He had no sooner opened

B. Hardly had he opened

C. Hardly did he opened

D. No sooner did he open

9、The house that ______ in the floods must be rebuilt before winter comes.

A. has been washed away

B. has to be washed away

C. has them washed away

D. has washed them away

10、The young man ______ we thought should have won the game failed in the end.

A. who

B. whom

C. as

D. which

11、______ he looks in his teens, he is in fact a nine-year-old boy.

A. Since

B. For

C. Although

D. Owing to

12、You ______ a letter to James. However, you didn't.

A. ought to write

B. ought to have written

C. should write

D. should be writing

13、______ my brother got married ______ he could afford to buy his own house.

A. It was not until; then

B. It is not until; when

C. It is until; that

D. It was not until; that

14、Neither my friends nor I ______ able to persuade him to change his mind.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. were

15、I apologize for ______ my promise that I would take you to the seaside.

A. not keep

B. not having kept

C. not have kept

D. having not kept

16、I woke up in the night and found we ______ through the ceiling.

A. had water dripping

B. had water drip

C. had water dripped

D. had water to drip

17、The team leader promised to attend the meeting ______ he arrived at the office.

A. for the time being

B. the moment

C. in order that

D. the day

18、Doctors have said that as many as 50 percent of patients don't take medicine ______.

A. like directed

B. to be directed

C. as directed

D. thus directed

19、I ______ get a ticket myself ______ wait here for hours in despair.

A. prefer; to

B. would; rather than to

C. prefer; than

D. would rather; than

20、______ Charles starts a job, he will do it ______ it is finished.

A. Since; where

B. Each time; once

C. Once; till

D. The moment; as

21、Criticism and self-criticism is necessary ______ it helps us to correct our mistakes.

A. in that

B. such that

C. so that

D. to that

22、Our Prime Minister is trying his best to promote the new ______ policy.

A. economic

B. economical

C. economy

D. economics

23、The strikers were ______ with dismissal if they did not return to work.

A. treated

B. threatened

C. warned

D. told

24、No one will stand ______ if you really want to work in that company.

A. on your way

B. in your way

C. by the way

D. out of the way

25、It is hard to distinguish the twins because they ______.

A. look like

B. look likely

C. look alike

D. look same

26、Their youngest child is ______ because he is always given whatever he wants.

A. wasted

B. spoiled

C. destroyed

D. uneducated

27、His answer was so confusing that I could hardly make any ______ of it at all.

A. explanation

B. meaning

C. interpretation

D. sense

28、They climbed to the top of the hill ______ they could get a bird's eye of the city.

A. in case

B. for fear that

C. in order that

D. as a result

29、Once a ______ is formed, it is very difficult to shake it off.

A. usage

B. custom

C. practice

D. habit

30、There is a ______ of vegetables at the moment because of the hot weather.

A. need

B. want

C. shortage

D. desire

31、After we finished dinner, Jimmy asked the waiter to bring him the ______.

A. count

B. account

C. tip

D. bill

32、Advertising can sometimes ______ us to buy things that are not necessary.

A. persuade

B. improve

C. announce

D. make

33、The trip to Western Europe has been ______ due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

A. insisted

B. canceled

C. reduced

D. inferred

34、His birthday was ______ in a restaurant and attended by about 20 people.

A. inspected

B. installed

C. celebrated

D. interfered

35、Generally ______, that city is less crowded than the others in the province.

A. talking

B. telling

C. saying

D. speaking

36、Literature and art have a great influence ______ people's way of thinking.

A. to

B. on

C. for

D. onto

37、It took us some minutes to understand his ______ to the suggestion.

A. insight

B. opinion

C. reaction

D. comment

38、He doesn't have the slightest ______ of buying a new house in two years.

A. attitude

B. intention

C. statement

D. temptation

39、In the big flood, only 20 percent of the people in that village ______.

A. remained

B. stayed

C. lived

D. survived

40、Yesterday she was knocked down by a motor car and lay ______ on the side of the road.

A. asleep

B. thoughtless

C. unconscious

D. unaware

Part Ⅱ Cloze

Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they  41  . Yet, all living things still show the  42   of aging, which will eventually result  43   death. Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity, the  44   of the body and the organs they  45   do not function as well as they did in childhood and adolescence. The body provides less strength  46   disease and is more prone to  47  .

A number of related causes may  48   aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not  49   when they die. As a person ages,  50   of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. Other body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the  51   cells may not be so capable  52   growth as  53   of a young person.

Another  54   in aging may be changes within the cells themselves. Some of the protein chemicals in cells are  55   to change with aging and become less elastic. This is  56   the skin of old people wrinkles and hangs  57  . This is also the reason old people  58   in height. There may be other more chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals, such as DNA and RNA, store and pass  59   information that the cells need. Aging may affect this  60   and change the information.

41、A. used to

B. used to be

C. be used to

D. had

42、A. function

B. effect

C. influence

D. affect

43、A. from

B. for

C. by

D. in

44、A. skin

B. cells

C. blood

D. bones

45、A. shape

B. carry

C. have

D. form

46、A. against

B. for

C. with

D. by

47、A. action

B. activity

C. accident

D. actuality

48、A. concern to

B. contribute to

C. happen to

D. bring to

49、A. replaced

B. reborn

C. recovered

D. produced

50、A. the number

B. a number

C. many

D. most

51、A. old

B. all

C. new

D. other

52、A. to

B. for

C. of

D. with

53、A. this

B. that

C. these

D. those

54、A. factor

B. effect

C. reason

D. element

55、A. called

B. named

C. listed

D. known

56、A. what

B. why

C. how

D. whether

57、A. loose

B. loosen

C. loosed

D. loosing

58、A. shorten

B. shrink

C. lengthen

D. decrease

59、A. to

B. on to

C. from

D. on

60、A. method

B. measure

C. process

D. development

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

Passage One

Someone said to a man, "Travel and see the world." He answered, "Why should I? People are the same everywhere. They have the same feelings. They feel love and hate, happiness and sadness,security and fear. This is why I do not want to travel. I can learn everything here."

The man was right. He was also wrong. People are the same, but people are also different. They all have the same pattern of life—birth, youth, old age, death. But these stages of life have different values in different cultures. Also, while all people have the same feelings, the causes of these feelings are different. A situation that may bring happiness in one place may not bring happiness in another place.

For example, in many countries, old age is a happy time. In Korea, old people are honored and respected. When they become sixty-one years old, it is a very happy and important event. There is a big party with many guests. They receive many gifts. When people reach this time in life, the attitudes of their family and their community change toward them. Everyone looks forward to this time.

In the United States, it is quite different for old people. Most old people do not live with their children or relatives. For many North Americans, old age is not a happy time. Most North Americans want to stay young. They try to act like young people as long as possible. They even try to speak the language of the young. They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attention. Old age can be a sad and lonely time for them.

61、The reason why the man did not have the intention of traveling was that ______.

A. he was too old to travel any more

B. he preferred to stay home to enjoy his leisure time

C. he thought he knew about people in other places

D. he could not understand people in other countries since he was deaf

62、The word security in Paragraph 1 might mean ______.

A. safety

B. care

C. danger

D. freedom

63、Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. People react differently to the same situation.

B. People all over the world are the same, but they are also different.

C. Different values are reflected in different stages of life in different cultures.

D. The reasons for the same feelings are also the same in different cultures.

64、In Korea, people ______.

A. value their youth most

B. are afraid of old age

C. are longing for old age

D. think being young is the same as being old

65、Compared with American old people, the old in Korea ______.

A. can act like the young

B. can lead an honored and respected life

C. enjoy living alone and supporting themselves

D. are not respected and do not receive due attention

Passage Two

You have been badly injured in a car accident. It is necessary to give you a blood transfusion because you lost a great deal of blood in the accident. However, special care must be taken in selecting new blood for you. If the blood is too different from your own, the transfusion could kill you.

There are four basic types of blood: A, B, AB and O. A simple test can indicate a person's blood type. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. Blood type, like hair color and height, is inherited from parents.

Because of substances contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused carefully. Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. O can give to any other group;hence, it is often called the universal donor. However, because so many reactions can occur in transfusions, patients usually receive only salt or plasma (liquid) until their blood can be matched as exactly as possible in the blood bank of a hospital. In this way, it is possible to avoid any bad reactions to the transfusion.

There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality. Among Europeans and people of European origin, about 42 percent have type A while 45 percent have type O. The rarest is type AB. Other races have different percentages. For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O.

66、A good title for this passage is ______.

A. Getting Blood and Liquid

B. Special Blood Colors

C. Human Blood Types

D. The Blood Bank of Hospitals

67、People with type A blood can receive the blood of a donor with type ______.


B. B

C. O

D. None of the above

68、The word hence in Paragraph 3 probably means ______.

A. always

B. nevertheless

C. therefore

D. seldom

69、If you need a transfusion, the best and safest blood for you is ______.

A. type AB

B. exactly the same type as yours

C. type A

D. a mixture of salt, liquid, and type O

70、We can infer from the passage that the third most common blood type of Europeans and people of European origin is ______.

A. A

B. B


D. O

Passage Three

A good deal of fascinating research has been done about the reading patterns of young people, and it is surprising to discover at what an early age children start expressing preferences for particular kinds of books. A recent report shows that even seven-year-old boys and girls have clear views about what they want to read. Girls, in general, read more, and far more girls than boys prefer reading stories. Boys are showing a taste for stories with more pictures, or books about their hobbies.

These tastes continue unchanged until the children are teenagers. Clearly girls read more in general, but more fiction in particular. You could say that there are more opportunities for girls to read fiction: magazines encourage the fiction habit in girls in their early teens, and by their late teens they have probably moved on to the adult women's magazines. Teenage boys tend to buy magazines about their hobbies: motorcycles, heavy transport and so on.

Adult reading tastes are also the subject of research. Again the number of women who read for pleasure is considerably higher than the number of men. It seems that the majority of women still want love stories. There has also been analysis of what men actually read. Apparently, only 38 percent of men read anything, but 50 percent of what they read is fiction in the form of action-packed stories of space or gunmen.

71、Recent research on children's reading has shown that they ______.

A. start to read at a very early age

B. can read clearly in primary school

C. examine in detail what they read at school

D. had formed their reading tastes by the time they were seven

72、A close look at the reading habits of boys and girls has shown that ______.

A. schools give more encouragement to girls than boys

B. magazines appeal more to boys than to girls

C. picture stories appeal more to girls than to boys

D. girls are more interested in fiction than boys

73、Research on adult reading habits has shown that ______.

A. the majority of men do not read much

B. women do not read about their hobbies

C. 38 percent of men have difficulty in reading

D. men prefer to read about love stories

74、The purpose of this passage is to ______.

A. persuade children to start reading at an early age

B. show the different reading methods of people

C. show the different reading patterns of people

D. prove boys read differently from girls

75、This piece of writing is most likely to appear in ______.

A. a textbook for children

B. a history book for adults

C. a language learning book

D. a psychology book about reading

Passage Four

In old Hollywood movies, “Indians” were silent and serious-faced. They had feathers in their hair and weapons in their hands, ready to fight. But the true history and culture of America's native people may surprise you. American Indians come from hundreds of different tribes, each with its own culture and language. Not all were soldiers. Many lived peacefully.

American society still includes many of these tribes and their cultures. Two million American Indians live in the U.S. today. And their influence can be found all over the country.

No one knows the exact origin of the American Indians. Many believe they arrived in North America thousands of years ago. They may have come from northeast Asia, crossing the Bering Strait(白令海峡) into North America. By the time European explorers arrived, an estimated 2 to 10 million natives had lived in America.

Thousands of Europeans came to America in the 17th and 18th centuries. The American Indians saved many white newcomers' lives. They taught them how to hunt, grow food, and live in harmony with nature.

As white settlers spread across the continent, however, conflicts arose. American Indians thought of nature as something to use, enjoy and protect. Europeans saw nature as something to own and a source of things to buy and sell.

As the white population grew, the settlers began taking land from the American Indians. They forced them to give up their homes, languages and customs. The American Indians fought back. Some revenged by killing white people or burning their homes. But soon white people outnumbered the American Indians.

76、What was the Indians' image in old Hollywood movies?

A. They were talkative.

B. They lived a peaceful life.

C. They used feathers as their clothes.

D. They had weapons and were aggressive.

77、Which of the following is NOT true about the origin of the American Indians?

A. Their ancestors were from India.

B. We are still not sure about their origin.

C. Their ancestors were probably from Asia.

D. They immigrated to America thousands of years ago.

78、When the Europeans first arrived in the 17th and 18th centuries, the American Indians ______.

A. were quite hostile

B. saved some of their lives

C. helped Europeans to build homes

D. asked the Europeans to hunt and grow food for them

79、What might have caused conflicts between the American Indians and the white people?

A. They lived in different places.

B. They spoke different languages.

C. American Indians were forced to leave their lands.

D. The white people outnumbered the American Indians.

80、According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. The population of the American Indians has increased.

B. The American Indians see nature as something to use and own.

C. The American Indians' culture has influenced the American culture in some ways.

D. The American Indians and the white settlers have always lived in peaceful harmony.

Part Ⅳ Translation






86、Nowadays people wear masks against the novel coronavirus when outside in public places.

87、We soon grew weary of her constant complaints.

88、It is said that oil price may be on the rise this month, so we decide to go to work by subway.

89、It was the aid from a stranger that enabled him to complete his college studies.

90、The taxi driver often reminds passengers to take their belongings when they leave the car.

Part Ⅴ Error Correction


Part Ⅵ Writing

101、Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a composition on the topic:How to Relieve My Pressure. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.

1. 目前大学生面临各种压力,如学习压力、经济压力、就业压力等等;

2. 请列举你生活中有哪些压力,并举例说明;

3. 你通常是如何缓解这些压力的。
