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2023-12-03 21:06:16 爱真题 889

Ⅰ. Phonetics

Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the ONE that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1、 A. decorate       B. energy             C. media             D. professor

2、 A. excuse         B. continue           C. refuse             D. success

3、 A. performance   B. common           C. recycle            D. celebrate

4、 A. flood          B. spoon              C. soon               D. choose

5、 A. charge      B. character       C. church        D. match

Ⅱ. Situational Dialogue

Directions: In this section there is a long dialogue with 5 missing sentences. At the end of the dialogue, there is a list of given choices. You are required to select the ONE that best fits into the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Note that there are two additional choices and you may not use any of the choices in the list more than once.

Laura: Hi, Tim!

Tim: Hi! Laura! Nice to see you! What are you doing here?

Laura:  6   There are so many clubs.

Tim: There are 20 clubs in total and I am in charge of the Green Life Club. Would you like to join us?

Laura: Green Life? What's it about?

Tim:  7   We want more people to know that the earth is in danger and we need to do something about it now.

Laura: That's really true. We are bearing a lot about it these days.  8

Tim: We make signs to put up in classrooms and dormitories to arouse students' awareness about saving water and electricity.

Laura: Sounds good.

Tim: We also plant trees every March and we go to some scenic spots to collect garbage every two weeks.

Laura: Well, I am kind of interested in your club. The problem is I have already joined the Student Union and the Drama Club.  9

Tim: Well, when I was a freshman last year, I joined four clubs. And now I'm just with this one. You'll gradually get to know what really interests you.  10

Laura: Thank you for your advice. I'll have a try.

A. Why not fill in this form to join us?

B. Well, I'm just looking around.

C. How long have you been here?

D. Environmental protection.

E. What kind of activities do you have?

F. I am sure I will benefit from it.

G. I'm afraid I won't have enough time and energy.

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the statement. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Online meetings may affect creativity, study finds.  Many companies have moved online because of COVID-19, with work meetings around the world taking place on the Internet instead of in the office. But a recent study has found that online meetings may affect creative thinking.

The study, published in Nature, included 602 people who were divided into random pairs. Each pair was given five minutes to think of creative uses for one certain item, and then one minute to choose the most creative idea. Some pairs were asked to work together on a video call, while others worked in person. The results showed that the in-person pairs had more ideas than the virtual pairs.

Some researches were also done to see whether focusing on a screen can affect a person's creativity. Teams working together virtually spent more time looking directly at each other and remembered less of their surroundings when asked later. The in-person pairs spent more time looking around the room, but also had more ideas.

The researchers did the same study with 1,490 engineers. The pairs were asked to think of new product ideas and choose one as an idea for their company. The results were similar to the first study, with the engineers who met in person thinking of more product ideas, and the virtual pairs making slightly better decisions about which idea to choose.

The results suggest that businesses should think carefully about which tasks can be done online, and which—like thinking of new ideas—should be done in person.

11、 According to the passage, under the influence of COVID19, besides offline meetings, some companies also have meetings ______.

A. airline        B. online              C. underline           D. outline

12、 How many pairs were there in the study published in Nature? ______

A. 602. B. 1,490.  C. 745.  D. 301.

13、 What does the phrase "in person" in the passage mean? ______

A. Going somewhere and doing something oneself.

B. Communicating by email.

C. Asking someone else for help.

D. Experiencing something different.

14、 According to the last paragraph, the study results suggested that ______.

A. if a company wants to get more creative ideas, online meetings should be held

B. all tasks can be done online

C. if a company wants to get more creative ideas, in-person meetings should be held

D. businesses should pay less attention to which tasks can be done online

15、 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ______

A. The study published in Nature showed that online meetings may affect creativity.

B. The study with engineers showed that the virtual pairs made slightly better decisions about which idea to choose.

C. Focusing on a screen can affect a person's creativity.

D. The in-person pairs had fewer ideas than the virtual pairs.

Many people believe that teaching children music makes them smarter, better able to learn new things. But the organizers of a new study say there's no scientific evidence that early musical training affects the intelligence of young people.

An estimated 80 percent of American adults think music lessons improve children's ability to learn and their performance in school. They say that the satisfaction from learning to play a new song helps a child express creativity.

Researchers at Harvard University, however, have found that there's one thing musical training does not do. They say it does not make children more intelligent.

Samuel Mehr, a graduate student at Harvard's School of Education, said it is wrong to think that learning to play a musical instrument improves a child's intellectual development. He says the evidence comes from studies that measured the mental ability of two groups of 4-year-olds and their parents. One group attended music class, the other went to a class that places importance on the visual arts—arts that can be seen.

"The evidence there is 'no'. We found no evidence for any advantage on any of these tests for the kids participating in these music classes," said Mehr. There was no evidence that the musical training group did much better on the mental tasks than the other group.  The researchers confirmed the results with a large group of children and their parents.

Mr. Mehr says music lessons may not offer children a fast and easy way to gain entry to the best schools later of their life. But he says the training is still important for cultural reasons. In his words, "we teach music because music is important for us."

16、 The word "intelligence!" in Para. 1 can be best understood as the ability to ______.

A. speak        B. dance              C. learn              D. paint

17、 According to the second paragraph, most ot7 the American adults think that ______.

A. children's ability to learn can be improved by music lessons

B. teachers are satisfied with students who can play a new song

C. students with good performance in school should learn music

D. Music lessons are more important than other lessons in school

18、 Which of the following belongs to "visual arts"? ______

A. Music. B. Photography.  C. Literature.  D. The talk show.

19、 Which of the following statements is NOT supported by Samuel Mehr? ______

A. Learning to play a musical instrument can't improve a child's intellectual development.

B. Kids gain no advantage in their mental ability from participating in music classes.

C. Music lessons may not add to students' chance of receiving the best education.

D. Musical training is unimportant.

20、 What can be the best title for this passage? ______

A. The Best Way to Improve Students' Intelligence

B. No Evidence Found on the Effect of Musical Training on Intelligence

C. Benefits of Musical Training

D. How to Improve Students' Performance in School

Section B

Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Seven hours may be the ideal amount of time for people in middle and old age to sleep, new research suggests.

In a study from the University of Cambridge and China's Fudan University,  21   500,000 British adults between the ages of 38 and 73 completed surveys about their sleep. Many also  22   cognitive(认知的) tests, and about a third completed a survey on their mental  23   and well-being.

The results  24   that participants who said they slept an  25   of about seven hours a day did best in the cognitive tests, had the lowest symptoms(症状) of anxiety and depression, and had the highest feelings of well-being.

Brain scans done on almost 40,000 participants showed that the areas of the brain most affected by sleep included the memory Center. However, Sahakian said the researchers are not yet sure why too much sleep could have a  26   effect, although one idea was that people might  27   longer in bed if they sleep poorly and wake up a lot.

Sahakian said that  28   a good night's sleep is important for people of all ages, adding, "I think it is as important as doing  29  ."

However, Russell Foster, a sleep expert at the University of Oxford who did not take  30   in the study, disagreed with the results, telling us that the ideal amount of sleep is different for everyone, and that "one size does not fit all."

A. showed

B. challenging

C. spend

D. nearly

E. getting

F. average

G. closely

H. completed

I. salary

J. health

K. part

L. confident

M. exercise

N. teach

O. negative

Ⅳ. Cloze

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4  choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Holidays are a wonderful time to spend with friends and family, eating and sharing stories. Whether you are waiting at airports or spending time on trains, buses or cars, these situations can give you great  31   to learn English. Here are some ideas that you can use to improve your English over the holidays.

Published materials

Airports and train stations often have  32   selling published materials. Buy an English-language publication to read it while you are waiting or spending quiet time at a hotel or in a home. Look at the images and read the lines below them.  33   you do not understand all the words, you can use the images to help you understand some of them. Later, you can use an online dictionary to look  34   the words you want to learn.


While traveling, we  35   see people from other countries who are also waiting or exploring a new place. If you hear someone asking for information in English, you  36   offer to help or simply greet them in English to talk.  A friendly conversation is usually welcome  37   travelers share their experiences.

Writing about your day

Writing about your day is a great way to  38   your English writing skills. Draw images of  39   you see or do in your travels and look up the English words for the places or events later if you cannot think of them at the time. Using English to  40   your holiday will help you to put new words into use and make them stay in your memory longer. And you will have a wonderful record of your travel to look at long after the holiday is over.

31、 A. challenges    B. factors             C. chances            D. skills

32、 A. stores        B. restrooms          C. elevators          D. security

33、 A. Not until     B. As if              C. So that           D. Even if

34、 A. up            B. at                 C. after               D. around

35、 A. seldom       B. often             C. quickly           D. lonely

36、 A. might        B. must              C. will               D. dare

37、 A. but          B. yet               C. as                D. until

38、 A. produce      B. protect            C. practice            D. pretend

39、 A. what         B. that              C. which             D. where

40、 A. delay         B. determine          C. divide             D. describe

Ⅴ. Writing

(15 points)

41、Directions: In this part you are required to write a composition entitled My  View on Failure in no less than 100 words according to the following Chinese outline. Please remember to write it on the Answer Sheet.



