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2023-11-21 21:52:50 爱真题 294



Setting Effective Goals

Avital Schweitzer, 17, is clearly goal directed. She works hard to achieve the various tasks in her life. This summer she attended a program at the University of California, Santa Barbara, for high school students who are interested in research.

Avital says that she rarely clearly states and discusses her goals. But goal-setting has always played a role in her life. During her junior year, for instance, she set personal goals to win a tennis championship and to become debate team captain.

Avital says, "In an academic environment when I set goals for myself, I often make lists that I need to complete in order to achieve them. The lists can include doing problem sets, meeting with a teacher or asking specific questions. When I run into difficulties, I reach out to resources for help or advice, like the Internet, my teachers or my parents. I think that learning about the best types of goals to set and standard methods to achieve these goals could be very useful in my day-to-day life."

Who else is better to turn to for this kind of insight into the art and science of goal-setting than your own father? Avital's dad, Maurice Schweitzer, a Wharton professor of operations and information management, has researched the topic extensively. He said, "Goals are powerfully motivating and will help us get where we want to be. Across every field, people who set specific challenging goals do better than people who go out and just aim to do their best."

1、Avital was a student of the University of California, Santa Barbara.



C.Not Given

2、Avital is interested in research.



C.Not Given

3、Avital often shares her goals with her best friends.



C.Not Given

4、Avital won a tennis championship in junior high.



C.Not Given

5、Avital wanted to become debate team captain during her junior year.



C.Not Given

6、Avital often makes lists of goals to find which goal is the best for her.



C.Not Given

7、Avital believes that it is best to solve her problems through the Internet.



C.Not Given

8、Avital has gained from her father the insights about goal-setting.



C.Not Given

9、Avital's father has done much research on goal-setting.



C.Not Given

10、To Avital's father, aiming to do best is more important than goal-setting,



C.Not Given



While you're in a lift, waiting to reach your floor do you ever wonder who came up with the idea? Probably not. We just expect to have safe lifts in buildings.

Lifts existed as far back as ancient Rome. But the ancient "lifts" weren't closed cars. They were simple platforms. They were typically used to raise up water for farming or lift heavy building materials such as stones. These lifts were powered by animals, people or even water wheels.

The first modem passenger lift was built for King Louis XV in 1743. The King's lift was installed (安装) on the outside of his palace. It went from the first to the second floor. The King entered it from his balcony, and then men raised and lowered the lift through the use of ropes and wheels.

Lifts became more common in the mid-1800s during the Industrial Revolution when they transported goods in factories and mines. These lifts were often based on a hydraulic (液压的) system. However, this type of lifts was impractical for tall buildings, although it became popular because it could operate with the public water system.

Another lift design (and the one found most often today in passenger lifts) uses a cable system, in which ropes raise and lower the car by means of a wheel and gear (齿轮) system. These types of lifts are easier to control, and buildings that have them do not need the extra room required by hydraulic systems. By the 1850s, these types of lifts had been powered by water pressure or steam.

11、The lifts in ancient Rome ______.

A.had a closed structure

B.had a complicated design

C.were used in agriculture

D.were powered by steam

12、The first modem passenger lift was ______.

A.raised and lowered by men

B.invented by King Louis XV

C.built for a public building

D.put on the inside of the King's palace

13、During the Industrial Revolution, lifts were ______.

A.widely used in tall buildings

B.powered by a hydraulic system

C.rarely used in factories and mines

D.independent of the public water system

14、The lift based on a cable system, ______.

A.needs no wheels

B.is not used today

C.takes more space

D.is easy to operate

15、Which of the following is the best title for the text? ______

A.Early History of Lifts

B.Popularity of Lifts

C.Structure of Lifts

D.Uses of Lifts



Summer Blues

①We students all have summer blues. It's that moment when we haven't left the house for days and the Internet has become our closest friend. This usually takes place in the heat of summer, when we forget there's a world outside of our rooms. It's usually our darkest hours, which is difficult to get out of, but not impossible.

②Getting a summer job can help provide structure for your life. Without school schedule, it's difficult to try to get out of bed. In fact, we've been training ourselves for most of summer to sleep in until noon. But if you commit yourself to a job, then it can act as a reason to get up in the morning.

③Another way to avoid the summer blues is by living a healthier lifestyle. Join a gym. Start shopping at your local market. Keep your room clean. Or maybe pick up a new hobby and become a master at it. A little change in your life can have a significant effect in the long

④The best way to avoid getting in a bad state is by packing your summer full of camps. With a new adventure waiting around the corner every week, how will an individual not want to wake up? You can attend two or three camps every year. You will find that you've met some of your closest friends from summer camps.

⑤Sometimes, however, people do not realize they have suffered from the summer blues. They stay locked inside their houses for hours. If you know people like this, then call them up. Take them out for dinner, Catch a movie with them. Do not let your friends come down with a strong case of the summer blues.

16、Paragraph ①: ______

A.Finding a summer job

B.Joining in summer camps

C.Keeping a healthy lifestyle

D.Attending summer schools

E.Helping people with summer blues

F. Knowing features of summer blues

17、Paragraph ②: ______

18、Paragraph ③: ______

19、Paragraph ④: ______

20、Paragraph ⑤: ______

21、In summer, students usually stay at home ______.

A.some new activities

B.calling them to go out

C.to make good friends

D.to get a summer job

E.the school schedule I

F. surfing the Internet

22、One way to schedule your life during vacation is ______.

23、Students can fill the vacation with ______.

24、Summer camps offer students chances ______.

25、We may help our friends out of summer blues by ______.



How to Help Teens Lose Weight

Teenage obesity (肥胖) is an increasing problem in the United States.  26   These teens run a higher risk of health problems as well as social problems. If your teen is overweight and expresses a desire to lose weight, help him do so in a healthy and safe manner.

Go to your teen's doctor to discuss a realistic weight-loss goal.  27   Even if your teen is overweight, you should not make any big changes to physical activity or diet without his doctor's agreement.

Change your own behavior. If you are engaged in unhealthy habits, you're sending the message to your teen that it's OK for him to follow suit. If you and your teen follow a healthy diet and an exercise plan together, you'll provide each other with the motivation and encouragement.  28   Let him know you are willing to help him.

Encourage your teen to exercise for at least 60 minutes a day. Choose a fun activity you might be able to enjoy together.  29   If he chooses an activity he thinks he'll enjoy, he'll be more likely to keep it.

Ensure a healthy diet for your entire family. Your teen won't feel like he's missing out if you're all eating the same types of foods. Discourage your family from drinking sugary drinks.  30   if you must eat out, choose the healthiest possible options (选项).

A.Avoid eating fast foods.

B.Talk to your teen about his weight.

C.Suggest that your teen should go to bed early.

D.The number of obese teens amounts to 18% in 2010.

E.Most doctors say teens are still growing and should not diet.

F. Or, ask him if he might be interested in taking a class such as dance.



How to Improve Conversational Skills

Conversational skills can be improved with a little practice. To start with, stand in front of a  31  think of a subject and talk to yourself. It may sound  32   silly, but it works. Next,  33   the help of a good friend. You can both then role-play in order to  34   yourselves comfortable engaging in conversation. Then go out, meet strangers and  35   with them. At first, approach people in a  36   place such as a bookstore or a coffee shop. Next, when you go to a  37  , closely observe those who make friends  38  . It will help you learn how to start a conversation with people in crowded places. In a crowd, talk to someone who is standing  39  . A one-to-one conversation is easier than speaking in a group. Once the conversation has begun, you will find you  40   your shyness and nervousness.






F. mirror

G. dialogue

H. lose

I. seek

J. necessary

K. easily

L. alone



A Missing Girl Found

A seven-year-old American (America) girl was in the jungle with her parents. She was  41   (collect) coconuts when she got lost. She was missing for  42   (near) three weeks and people thought she was dead. The police received a call  43   (recent) from an unknown person with  44   (inform) about the girl.

After eighteen days' search from  45   (hundred) of officers, the seven-year-old was discovered in an empty house in the jungle. People do not know how the little girl  46   (arrive) at the house or how she survived in the jungle. But the girl was found in a bad state. Injuries on her feet indicate she may have travelled a long  47   (distant).

The girl met with her worried  48   (parent) again on her way to hospital where she is receiving medical  49   (treat). The police are looking into what has caused the girl to disappear and who has  50   (make) the call to the police.



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