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2023-11-27 21:34:48 爱真题 403

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: This part is to test the use of English, there are 25 incomplete sentences in it. For each sentence there are four choices marked A. B. C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1、 Zootopia is such ______ wonderful movie that I want to see it a second time.

A. a                   B. the                  C. /                   D. an

2、 Beijing and Zhangjiakou ______ applying to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in 2013.

A. begin                B. began                C. have begun           D. had begun

3、 We believe that the environment in Hubei ______ greatly through our hard work in the near future.

A. will be improved      B. is improved           C. was improved         D. has been improved

4、 —Could you tell me ______?

—You'd better watch CCTV English news on a daily basis.

A. when I can improve my listening              B. if I can improve my listening

C. how I can improve my listening               D. why I can improve my listening

5、 My parents live in Room 406, I live in the room right above theirs on the ______ floor.

A. three                B. five                 C. third                D. fifth

6、—May I speak to Jane,please?

—Just a minute! she ______ the flowers in the garden.

A. waters                B. is watering           C. watered              D. will water

7、 But for the Chinese People's Liberation Army, he ______ of hunger fifteen years ago.

A. must have died       B. would die            C. would have died      D. must die

8、 ______ she was very tired, she continued working on her homework.

A. Since               B. Although            C. Because             D. So

9、 ______ the difficult math problems, I have asked Professor Russell several times for help.

A. Working out          B. Worked out          C. Work out             D. To work out

10、 I would appreciate ______ back this afternoon.

A. you to call           B. you call              C. your calling          D. you're calling

11、 Robert wished that he ______ business instead of history when he was in university.

A. might have studied   B. had studied          C. would study          D. might study

12、 The oil crop this year has increased ______ 25% over the last year.

A. to                   B. in                   C. by                  D. for

13、 Ten percent of the workers in this city ______ now working from home due to COVID-19.

A. is                    B. are                   C. is to be              D. are to be

14、 It is the first book of this kind ______ I've ever read.

A. that                 B. which               C. what                D. when

15、 Big news was sometimes announced half a day before it actually happened, ______?

A. was it               B. wasn't it             C. did it                D. didn't it

16、 English at the end of the 20th century was more widely spoken and written than ______ language.

A. one other            B. many other           C. some other           D. any other

17、 The 5G technology can help doctors ______ patients who are hundreds of miles away.

A. care                   B. treat                  C. operate                D. recover

18、 You can't change yourself by making empty talk all day long. What ______ is what you do, not what you say.

A. matters               B. means                C. meets                D. minds

19、 Jason made a ______ to his parents that he would study harder.

A. plan                 B. purpose              C. progress              D. promise

20、 It was at the first meeting that Mike ______ me with his good manners and sense of humor.

A. admired               B. reminded              C. impressed             D. shared

21、 If you have to travel a very long distance, try to go to bed earlier than ______ the day before the journey.

A. common              B. usual                 C. ordinary              D. normal

22、 The train is leaving. There is not much time left, so I'II tell you about it ______.

A. in detail             B. in time              C.in all                D. in short

23、 The ______ will help you if you can't find the book you want in the library.

A. agent                B. manager              C. librarian              D. operator

24、 All of a sudden, there was a loud noise and all the lights ______.

A. came out              B. wore out              C. looked out            D. went out

25、 In the last 20 years shopping on the Internet has increased ______.

A. steadily              B. closely               C. safely                D. suddenly

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

This part is to test your reading ability. There are two sections in it.

Section 1

Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. After each passage there are 5 questions. Such question is followed by four answers marked A、B、C and D. Choose the best answer to the question and blacken the corresponding letter Answer Sheet.

Mobile phones have become a part of everyone's life. Most people have at least one mobile phone. And every month, new models appear in the stores. They offer exciting new features like cameras, MP3 players and the ability to connect with the Internet. Now mobile phone users can do more on the Internet than ever before. They are able to do almost all the things on their mobile phones that they used to do on their computers. Moreover, some mobile phones now have voice recognition software, so people do not even have to use the buttons on their phones. They can simply tell their phones what they want to see or do.

One problem with mobile phones is that they have small screens. However, this problem could be solved in the future by making phones that project pictures and movies onto a wall or a sheet of paper. Mobile phones will also be used with "e-paper" (large screens that can be folded and easily stored and carried) as well as personal video screens that look like pairs of sunglasses.

As you can see, the mobile phone has a promising future, and its features will change in ways that we cannot even imagine.

26、 Which of the following is NOT an exciting new feature of today's mobile phones? ______

A. Cameras              B. MP3 players          C. CD players            D. Internet connection

27、 ______ allows people to tell their phones what they want to see or do.

A. An overhead projector                        B. A personal video screen

C. A button on the phone                        D. Voice recognition software

28、 According to the passage ,what is the problem with mobile phones? ______

A. Their screens are small.                       B. They connect with the Internet.

C. New models appear all the time.                D. They do many things a computer does.

29、 All the following are features of e-paper EXCEPT that ______.

A. it can be stored                                B. it can be folded

C. it can be carried                              D. it can be printed

30、 What can we infer from the last paragraph? ______

A. The mobile phone has a sad future            B. The mobile phone has a bright future.

C. The mobile phone has a certain future.        D. The mobile phone has a difficult future.

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. For many centuries, Mars has also been called the" Red Planet". Ancient Greeks and Romans thought of Mars as the god of war. Some people imagined that Mars was like the Earth and inhabited with many strange creatures.

Galileo was the first person to view Mars through a telescope. As telescopes improve, astronomers find that the red planet is about half as big as the Earth. From 1965 through 1972, the American Mariner series of robot spacecraft took many close-up television images of Mars. In 1976 two American spacecraft arrived on the Martian surface. Each carried two color television cameras, a 3-meter-long retractable (可伸缩的) arm, a small laboratory, and other instruments. They helped scientists discover exciting new knowledge about Mars.

Mars is mostly a vast desert with immense mountains, extremely deep canyons, and enormous dust storms. Ice covers the Martian polar-regions, and buried ice exists in other areas. Some regions can get warm, but a -60℃ is the average Martian temperature.

Some scientists believe a global warming gas could be produced on Mars. This gas could help to warm the cold red planet and make it more like the Earth.

The future is full of exciting changes, and some day Mars will have human explorers colonists, and tourists hiking across its surface. Maybe one of these people will be you.

31、 Which of the following is not true according to the passage? ______

A. Mars is like the Earth.

B. Strange creatures live on Mars.

C. Mars is also called the"Red Planet".

D. Ancient Greeks believed Mars was the god of peace.

32、 The Earth is about ______ Mars.

A. twice as big as                               B. four times as big as

C. as big as                                     D. half as big as

33、 You'll find all the following on Mars EXCEPT ______.

A. dust storms           B. mountains            C. canyons              D. lakes

34、 What do we know about Mars from the passage? ______

A. It's cold on Mars.                               B. It's warm on Mars.

C. Ice exists everywhere.                          D. Ice only exists in polar-regions.

35、 Scientists believe a global warming gas could ______.

A. warm up the Earth                            B. make Mars more like the Earth

C. discover knowledge about Mars                 D. protect the environment on Mars

Many people believe that Sigmund Freud's work marked the beginning of modern psychology. He developed new ways to study the human personality. Some people disagreed with his ideas, and others thought he was a genius.

Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 in Moravia, which is now the Czech Republic. His family moved to Vienna when Sigmund was four years old. He was the oldest of his mother's eight children and her favorite. Sigmund loved to read and he was always at the top of his class. He had no interest in sports or outdoor activities, except walking. The family apartment had only four bedrooms, but Sigmund's mother gave him his own room so he could study in peace. He rarely joined the family for meals. Instead, he ate alone in his room, surrounded by his favorite books.

Sigmund first thought about studying law, but then he decided to study medicine. He enrolled at the University of Vienna in 1873. He loved working in the laboratory and studying the scientific side of medicine rather than helping the patients. In fact, he stayed in school tot seven years instead of the usual five because he spent so much time working in the laboratory of a famous professor.

36、 Which of the following about Sigmund Freud is NOT true? ______

A. He loved reading                             B. He was a top student

C. He was his mother's favorite child             D. He enjoyed having meals with his family

37、 When did Sigmund's family move to Vienna? ______

A. In 1873              B. In 1864               C.In 1860              D. In 1856

38、 Sigmund Freud didn't like ______.

A. sports                B. books                C. walking              D. studying

39、 It took Sigmund seven years to get his medical degree because ______.

A. he helped the patients                        B. he spent lots of time in the lab

C. he went to law school first                    D. school was difficult for him

40、 According to the passage, what is people's opinion about Sigmund Freud? ______

A. They all think of him as crazy.                B. They all regard him as a genius.

C. People know little about him.                 D. People's opinions are divided.

An early attempt to find a technological breakthrough for high speed rail travelling China was the Shanghai Maglev, which opened to the public in 2004. As the first commercial magnetic levitation(磁悬浮) train in the world, it connects Shanghai's Pudong International Airport with the Shanghai subway system, traveling a distance of 30 kilometers in 8 minutes, at speeds as high as 430 kilometers per hour. It is the fastest commercially operated train anywhere in the world.

China now has two more maglevs. One in Changsha and the other in Beijing However, both of these only cover short distances and the trains travel at speeds of around i00 kilometers per hour, which is not much faster than trains on many conventional rail lines.

Apart from the complex technical and safety issues involved with maglev trains. Another big drawback with having a maglev line appears to be the high cost. Thus although maglev technology will continue to be used in the future-a train that is capable of reaching speeds of 600 kilometers per hour is being developed-the focus has been on the conventional, off-the-shelf technology in the development of China's high speed rail network.

41、 The first commercial magnetic-levitation train in the world is in ______.

A. Changsha            B. Beijing               C. Shanghai             D. Wuhan

42、 Which of the following statements about Shanghai Maglev is true? ______

A. It is the fastest train in the world              B. h opened to the public in 2004

C. It travels 600 kilometers per hour             D. h is not very expensive to build

43、 Trains on China's conventional rail lines most probably travel at speeds of about ______ kilometers per hour.

A. 30                 B. 100                C. 430                D. 600

44、 Which of the following is NOT a drawback with building a maglev line? ______

A. Cost                 B. Safety                C. Speed                D. Technology

45、 The focus of the development of China's high speed rail network has been on all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A. maglev technology                            B. traditional technology

C. off-the-shelf technology                        D. conventional technology

Section 2

Directions: There is one passage in this section. Read the passage and fill in each blank (No.46 to No.50) with no more than three words. Write your answers in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

Why is hot pot so popular in China? It shows the Chinese cultural values of openness and sharing. With a hot pot, you can put in any ingredient that you like: vegetables as well as meat. The same pot can serve any number of different meals to the people sitting around the table. No one is left out, and everyone gets to eat as much-or as little-as they want.

Hot pot creates a cozy, warm atmosphere and really brings people together as you sit around a pot, cooking, eating, talking, and relaxing. The food is important but also important are the feels.

In China, people like to joke that there is no problem that a hot pot can't solve. The fire from the hot pot can meh just about any icy disagreement and warm just about any heart. Over a hot pot people can talk and share not just food, but friendship. While the food may soon be forgotten, these friendships stay with us forever.


Part Ⅲ Translation-English into Chinese

This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese there are two sections in it.

Section 1

Directions: There are 5 sentences numbered 51 to 55. You will read three suggested translations marked A B and C. Choose the best one and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

51、 Many good suggestions were not fully understood when they were first brought up. ______


B. 很多好的建议在第一次提出时没有被误解。


52、 Well, a couple of years later, they became enemies. But we are getting ahead of the story. ______




53、 You should check every item before you pay for the goods. You can't be too careful. ______




54、 There is so much happening this morning, I don't know whether I'm coming or going. ______




55、 Human beings are interesting in that they tend to first see good in a new acquaintance. ______




Section 2

Directions: Write your translation in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

56、 Everybody knows that people all wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. But we also have to throw the masks away after they are used. This could become a serious environmental problem, scientists have warned. Researchers in the US and some European countries did a study. They estimated that people around the world are now using 129 billion face masks every month. That is to say we use 2.8 million masks every minute!

Part Ⅳ Writing

57、Directions: This part is to test your writing ability write a letter based on the following information given in Chinese, write in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

假定你是N公司人力资源部Human Resources的Andy White,根据以下内容,给Peter Black先生写一封信,字数不少于100个单词,内容包括:




