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2023-11-27 21:36:49 爱真题 904

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. In this part, there are 25 incomplete sentences here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1、 Can you help me with my homework? I'm sure it ______ take long.

A. won't             B. will                C. can't              D. can

2、 He ______ online when his computer broke down.

A. was shopping      B. were shopping      C. has shopped       D. have shopped

3、 These pictures ______ on campus last week.

A. was taken          B. were taken         C. has taken          D. have taken

4、 We missed the bus, so we decided ______ for the next one.

A. waiting            B. to be waiting       C. to wait             D. having waited

5、 If I were you, I ______ book a ticket as soon as possible.

A. would              B. will                C. have to            D. am to

6、 Liu Yang is ______ first Chinese woman who has worked in space.

A. /                B. the               C. a                D. an

7、 Doing tai chi exercises ______ one of the traditional Chinese ways to maintain mental peace.

A. was                B. were               C. is                  D. are

8、 ______ you show me your health code? You won't be allowed to get in if you

A. Could; can't      B. Can; couldn't     C. Will; won't       D. May; can't

9、 ______ extremely tired, thousands of medical workers continued to perform their duties.

A. Since              B. However           C. As                 D. Although

10、 Children may feel more confident working in groups ______ working alone.

A. by                B. over               C. to                 D. than

11、 Bob ______ his parents often takes a long walk in the evening.

A. and              B. both               C. as well as          D. but also

12、 I made a lot of mistakes in the reading. Could you tell me ______?

A. how I can improve                       B. how can I improve

C. why I can improve                       D. why can I improve

13、 Tom, please help ______ to some drinks. They are all over there on the table.

A. you               B. me                C. yourself            D. myself

14、 Nowadays, some people prefer subways ______ buses.

A. against           B. off                 C. over               D. to

15、 —Alex, did you see all the acts?

—No. When I got to the theater, they were playing ______.

A. Act Three        B. third act          C. the act third       D. the Act Three

16、 I'm sorry. I promise I won't ______ my homework tomorrow.

A. remember        B. forget              C. bring              D. finish

17、 People sometimes cross their arms and this gesture may ______ us that they want to protect themselves.

A. say              B. tell               C. speak             D. talk

18、 Yesterday I ______ a great effort and got up early.

A. made            B. did               C. had               D. got

19、 Everyone could see that he was just ______, trying to impress his classmates.

A. showing around   B. showing up        C. showing off        D. showing out

20、 My friend is not interested in ______ a new job.

A. looking out       B. looking in          C. looking on         D. looking for

21、 We haven't been able to get in ______ with him since graduation.

A. meet             B. play              C. touch             D. link

22、 Please feel ______ to ask me any questions if needed.

A. glad              B. good               C. well               D. free

23、 The headmaster was rather busy and could ______ me no more than five minutes.

A. spend            B. save               C. spare              D. take

24、 This classroom isn't good, but that one is ______ better.

A. ever              B. hardly             C. less                D. rather

25、 We will be ready at ______ time they get here this week.

A. whenever                                B. however

C. wherever                                D. whatever

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are two sections in it.

Section 1

Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. After each passage there are 5 questions. Each question is followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the best answers to the questions and mark the corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Itzhak Perlman is one of the finest violinists alive today. Several years ago, Perlman agreed to attend a charity (慈善) reception after one of his concerts. At the reception one guest said, "Mr. Perlman, you were truly amazing tonight. " Perlman smiled and thanked him graciously. The man continued, "I have never heard anyone play the violin as well as you." Perlman smiled again but said nothing, and the man continued, "You know, Mr. Perlman, I would give my whole life to be able to play the violin like you did tonight." Perlman smiled once more and said, "I have."

That is the difference. While some of us sit around thinking, I would give my whole life to be able to do that, or, I hope that happens to me one day, people like Perlman are getting the job done. They are giving their whole lives to the fulfilment of their dreams.

All men and women have dreams, but only some achieve their dreams. Why is this? The reason is that some people dream and wait for their dreams to come true. They look at others, whom they consider fortunate or lucky, and think, I hope that happens to me one day! Others devote themselves to excellence and go out onto the stage of life chasing their dreams, living life passionately. They make their dreams come true.

26、 What does the underlined word "graciously" (in Para. 1 ) most probably mean? ______

A. Comfortably.      B. Humorously.       C. Gratefully.         D. Politely.

27、 Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 1? ______

A. The guest believed that he could play the violin as well as Perlman.

B. Perlman was invited to attend a charity reception after his concert.

C. Perlman was invited to play the violin after the charity reception.

D. The guest did not really enjoy Perlman's concert.

28、 According to the author, why do some people achieve their dreams? ______

A. They wait for their dreams to come true.

B. They are considered fortunate or lucky.

C. They hope their dreams will come true.

D. They give their lives to their dreams.

29、 Why does the author tell the story about Perlman? ______

A. Because Perlman made his dream come true.

B. Because Perlman was very kind and gracious.

C. Because Perlman always had his own dreams.

D. Because Perlman smiled and thanked the guest.

30、 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ______

A. A Charity Reception                     B. Dream Differently

C. Live Passionately                        D. A Fine Violinist

For many people, the most exciting way to shop is at a street market. Here are five world-famous markets.

The Grand Bazaar in Turkey is more than 500 years old and it has more than four thousand shops under one roof. You can buy almost anything here, but the most popular items for tourists are the beautiful carpets.

In Asia, the most famous market is perhaps in Thailand, a place called Damonen Saduak. From six in the morning to midday, every day, people sell fresh fruit and vegetables from their boats.

Many Italians say the Campo dei Fiori in Rome is the most beautiful square in the world. It's the home of a colorful flower, fruit and vegetable market, open from seven o'clock in the morning to midday every day except Sunday. It is a lively place to meet friends and to have a meal.

Every year, thousands of people travel to Germany to visit the famous Christmas Markets. The old town of Nürnberg has the biggest market, open from the end of November until Christmas. Here people can buy toys, hand-made gifts and Christmas decorations.

One of the world's most unusual markets is in Mexico City: at the Sonara Market. As well as toys and birds, you can buy herbs and natural medicines which (they say) can help with anything—from problems at work to problems with your marriage!

31、 Which of the following may have the greatest number of shops? ______

A. Damonen Saduak.                        B. The Grand Bazaar.

C. The Sonata Market.                      D. The Campo dei Fiori.

32、 Which of the following is a good place for meeting friends and having a meal? ______

A. Damonen Saduak.                        B. Christmas Markets.

C. The Sonara Market.                      D. The Campo dei Fiori.

33、 What can you buy if you visit the Nürnberg Christmas Markets? ______

A. Fresh vegetables.                        B. Beautiful carpets.

C. Natural medicines.                       D. Christmas decorations.

34、 If you have problems with your work, where would you go? ______

A. The Campo dei Fiori.                    B. The Sonara Market.

C. The Grand Bazaar.                       D. Damonen Saduak.

35、 What is the passage mainly about? ______

A. Well-known markets in the world.        B. Unusual products in the world.

C. Lively places to meet friends.             D. Exciting ways to shop.

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many children were isolated at home. They often felt very unhappy as their normal lives were suddenly interrupted and completely changed.

Sproutel Purrble came to save some of these children out of trouble. An interactive(互动的) plush(毛绒) toy equipped with seven sensors(传感器) that respond to touch, Purrble's able-to-touch heartbeat speeds up to 135 beats per minute when it senses somebody is playing with it. Kids can then comfort their companion with gentle touch and soft voice, slowing Purrble's quick heartbeat to a low continuous sound—calming themselves as well in the process.

Developed through using research from the Committee for Children, a nonprofit and global leader on social-emotional learning, the device aims to help children learn to manage their emotions, such as keeping them calm.

Early research shows that Purrble is doing just that: in a study with 20 families, 19 parents reported that the toy helped their kids calm down when they needed to. "I grew up with a long-time illness as a child and would have loved to have this," says Aaron Horowits,head of Sproutel, the company which designed the toy.

36、 What is Sproutel Purrble? ______

A. A sensor.         B. A kid.             C. An illness.         D. A toy.

37、 What enables Purrble to calm kids down? ______

A. Feeling isolated.                         B. Having lots of plush.

C. Responding to touch.                     D. Making different sounds.

38、 How do kids comfort Purrble? ______

A. Equipping it with sensors.                B. Responding to its sound.

C. Touching it gently.                       D. Increasing its heartbeat.

39、 Which of the following designed the device? ______

A. Sproutel.                                 B. A famous researcher.

C. Aaron Horowits.                          D. Committee for Children.

40、 Which of the following best describes most parents' attitude to Purrble? ______

A. Unclear.                                 B. Critical.

C. Positive.                                 D. Negative.

English is spoken by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, but do the development of translation technology and "mixed" languages damage its status(地位)?

For how much longer will English qualify as the "world's favorite language"? The World Economic Organization estimates that about 1.5 billion people around the world speak it—but fewer than 400 million have it as their first language.

English is the world' s favorite lingua franca—the language people are most likely to turn to when they don't share a first language. Imagine, for example, a Russian speaker who speaks no French in conversation with a French speaker who speaks no Russian. The chances are that they would use English.

Five years ago, perhaps. But not any more. Thanks to advances in computer translation and voice-recognition technology, they can each speak their own language, and hear what the other speaker is saying, which is machine-translated in real time.

So English's days as the world's top global language may be numbered. That is: the computers are coming, and they are winning.

So is the future of English at risk? I don't think so, although its global influence may become less over the coming decades. Like all languages, it is constantly changing and adapting (适应) to new needs. Until recently, "text" and "friend" were nouns. Now, they are also verbs, as in "I'll text you," or "Why don't you friend me?"

41、 How many people are estimated to speak English as their first language? ______

A. Less than 1.5 billion.

B. Less than 400 million.

C. More than 1.5 billion.

D. More than 400 million.

42、What language will most probably be used between a Russian and a Frenchman without translation technology? ______

A. English.                                 B. French.

C. Russian.                                 D. A mixed language.

43、 What is a lingua franca? ______

A. A language spoken by millions of people.

B. A language understood only by machines.

C. A language used in computer translation technology.

D. A language spoken by people who don' t share a first language.

44、 Which of the following is made possible by machine-translation? ______

A. Communicating across different languages.

B. Identifying speakers through voice recognition.

C. Using English as the world' s favorite language.

D. Replacing English by computer language.

45、 What does the writer think of the future of the English language? ______

A. It is extremely promising.

B. It is still full of hope.

C. It is uncertain.

D. It is at risk.

Section 2

Directions: There is 1 passage in this section.  Read the passage and complete the outline below it(No. 46 to No. 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.

Charles Darwin(1809-1882) was one of the most influential scientists of all time. His theory of evolution by natural selection explained how life on Earth developed, and is the basic concept upon which the life sciences are built.

Darwin's father was a doctor. On leaving school, Darwin followed in his father's footsteps and went to Edinburgh University to study medicine. However, he gave up because he hated the sight of blood. He then went to the University of Cambridge, intending to work in a church.

Darwin discovered his love of natural history at Cambridge, where he spent much of his time collecting insects. He graduated in 1831 and accepted a place as a naturalist on board the Beagle. The ship's five-year voyage proved to be the most important period in Darwin's life, providing the basis for his future ideas and writings.

He returned to England in 1836 and published an account of his travels, which made him famous. He began to develop his theory of natural selection and published his revolutionary book On the Origin of Species in 1859. This was followed by The Descent of Man in 1871, in which he applied his ideas to explaining the evolution of humans.

Charles Darwin

His theory of evolution by  46   is a basic concept of the life sciences.

He studied  47   at Edinburgh University after leaving school.

He discovered his love of  48   at Cambridge.

The five-year voyage provided the  49   for his future ideas and writings.

He applied his ideas in The Descent of Man to explaining the  50   of humans.

Part Ⅲ Translation—English into Chinese

Directions: This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. After each of the 5 sentences, numbered 51 to 55, you will read three choices of suggested translation marked A, B and C. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. And for the paragraph numbered 56, you should write your translation in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

51、 They rely on themselves, which is much better. ______




52、 He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself. ______




53、 Don't cough more than you can help. ______




54、I didn't begin to work till he had gone. ______




55、 The personnel manager said he would have an interview with the applicant on Tuesday. ______




56、 Reading can change lives. Here's a story. A grandmother and her grandson lived in different cities. She would call him and ask him about school or about his day. He would respond in one word answer: Fine. Nothing. She was so sad to have fallen out of touch with her beloved grandson.

And then one day she asked him what he was reading. He had just started The Hunger Games. The grandmother decided to read it so that she could talk about it with her grandson the next time they chatted on the phone. Other than belonging to the same family, they had never had much in common. Now, they did. It was reading.

Part Ⅳ Writing

57、Directions: For this part you are required to write a notice based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write your notice in the space given on the Answer Sheet.






