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2023-11-29 21:52:20 爱真题 228

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 15 items in this part. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1、—Professor, I've won the gold medal in the skills competition!


A.Go ahead    B.Great job

C.No problem    D.Take care

2、It takes a lot of practice to be ______ speaking in public.

A.slow in    B.useful for

C.good at    D.free from

3、Fashion goes in cycles. It can often ______.

A.predict    B.be predicting

C.have predicted    D.be predicted

4、______ emergency, press the red button in the elevator.

A.In case of    B.In favor of

C.In charge of    D.Instead of

5、—Alex, how ______ you tell the difference between Lily and her twin sister?

—Oh, Lily is a little taller.

A.shall    B.need    C.can    D.must

6、It was last week ______ I met Emma at the concert.

A.that    B.which    C.since    D.until

7、Kate often goes to the park that she is quite ______ with.

A.strict    B.familiar    C.honest    D.polite

8、Tom ran into many difficulties at the beginning. ______, he finished his work on time.

A.Luckily    B.Hopefully    C.Clearly    D.Frankly

9、In the near future, new technologies will change the cars ______ people drive.

A.where    B.when    C.which    D.why

10、______ new words too often will make you read slowly.

A.Looking forward to    B.Looking after

C.Looking down on    D.Looking up

11、Stories are told for many reasons. Some entertain us, ______ others teach us a lesson.

A.or    B.so    C.because    D.while

12、Bob had the ______ that Alice was very happy with her new job.

A.goal    B.impression    C.demand    D.intention

13、Most of the water areas in the world ______ used yet.

A.is not    B.are not to be

C.has not been    D.have not been

14、Lisa was serious about the interview and spent a long time ______ for it.

A.preparing    B.to have prepared

C.prepare    D.having prepared

15、—Excuse me, can I borrow your umbrella?

—Sure. ______.

A.Take it easy    B.Here you are    C.I'm sorry    D.Not at all

Part Ⅱ Cloze

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

I'm going to start a new cooking school in our neighborhood. This new  16   will be for college graduates who are living away from their families. In our school, we will offer classes in the morning and in the evening to  17   different schedules. Also,  18   classes will teach the easiest and most delicious dishes of all kinds.  19  , students can study specialized subjects. For example, there will be courses on making soups and  20   baking(烘焙). The classes will be  21   by experienced cooks from a variety of backgrounds. I will  22   that there are not too many students in any one class. To help  23   the school we will get money from wealthy people and some big companies. Finally we will regularly ask experts to give us  24   on how to make the school better. I'm sure that our school will be  25   and successful.

16、A.cinema    B.school    C.hotel    D.hospital

17、A.fit    B.discuss    C.change    D.check

18、A.their    B.his    C.our    D.her

19、A.Otherwise    B.In addition    C.After all    D.Unfortunately

20、A.from    B.with    C.of    D.on

21、A.canceled    B.dismissed    C.taught    D.missed

22、A.deny    B.beg    C.doubt    D.ensure

23、A.pay for    B.give up    C.head for    D.pass by

24、A.news    B.advice    C.warning    D.congratulations

25、A.ordinary    B.boring    C.popular    D.broken

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Peter and Linda use different forms of transportation to get to work. Peter likes to ride his bike, especially when the weather is nice. But if the weather is cold and rainy, he takes the bus. Linda thinks driving her car to the office is convenient. That way she can get to work quickly, no matter what the weather is like.

Linda: Hi, Peter. How was traffic this morning?

Peter: Traffic was really terrible today.

L: Why? Did something in particular happen?

P: The car in front of my bike wanted to turn left, but the driver did not use his turn signals and stopped suddenly. He almost caused an accident.

L: I'm glad there was no accident.

P: Me, too. People need to be polite when they drive.

L: What do you mean?

P: People should use their turn signals properly. That helps others know what you plan to do.

L: I do not know. Using turn signals doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Drivers can pay attention to what's happening on the road and respond quickly.

P: Showing respect for other drivers doesn't take much effort. For example, allowing someone to cut in front of you can make a big difference during the rush hour.

L: Allowing other cars to cut in front of you slows you down.

P: Not really. Everyone is sharing the same road, so we need to be careful of other vehicles.

L: If you're so worried about traffic rules, maybe you should just take the bus more often.

P: Or maybe I should get a new job as a traffic officer.

26、If the weather is cold, how does Peter go to work? ______

A.By bike.    B.By bus.    C.By car.    D.On foot.

27、Linda thinks that driving her car to the office is ______.

A.slow    B.exhausting    C.convenient    D.terrible

28、What did Peter do that morning? ______

A.He went to work by bike.    B.He used his turn signals.

C.He missed the bus.    D.He met with an accident.

29、What can we learn from the text? ______

A.Peter is a traffic officer.

B.Linda is worried about traffic rules.

C.Linda and Peter have different opinions.

D.Peter doesn't think people should use their turn signals.

30、What is the text mainly about? ______

A.The turn signals.    B.Traffic during the rush hour.

C.A car accident.    D.Good manners while driving.

Madagascar is a wonderful place. About 90 percent of the animals and plants living there cannot be found elsewhere in the world. Scientists love it! There are some very unusual animals and plants in Madagascar's Tisngy de Bemaraha National park, but it's a dangerous place. The rocks of the Tisngy in the park are very sharp.

I arrived in Madagascar in March. At the end of the rainy season, I was with a scientist and a reporter. We wanted to find some new species. We set off to the park and after five days, we finally arrived there.

We worked enough in the Tisngy. The rocks cut our clothes and our shoes. It was dangerous, but we saw hundreds of animals and plants. We saw beautiful birds and unusual white lemurs with red eyes. They didn't have any problems on the Tsingy rocks ! Those birds had lived here for many years. This place, with its natural environment, was the perfect habitat for varieties of rare birds, most of which were unique to Madagascar.

31、Scientists love Madagascar for its ______.

A.wonderful March    B.rainy season

C.unusual animals and plants    D.sharp rocks

32、Why did the group go to Madagascar? ______

A.To find some new species.    B.To visit the park.

C.To see beautiful birds.    D.To live in the place.

33、What happened to the author? ______

A.He lost his clothes.    B.He got red eyes.

C.He fell from a rock.    D.He cut his leg.

34、What does the underlined word "habitat" in the last paragraph probably refer to? ______

A.A natural home.    B.An unusual plant.

C.A dangerous animal.    D.A good hospital.

35、What is the best title for the text? ______

A.New Species    B.A Try to Madagascar

C.Unusual White Lemurs    D.A Variety of Birds

The units people prefer for measurements vary across countries. Traditional units of distance such as the Persian parasang reflected how far a person could walk in a certain amount of time. In the UK, the yard was considered as the base unit of length. Ancient Greeks and Romans measured length with the foot, which was based on the length of the average adult man's foot. In modern times, the US redefined the foot as exactly 0.3048 meters in 1959 that is now known as the international foot.

The difference between the foot and the older international foot is less than two parts in a million, which was easy enough for most industries to adapt to. But some scientists believed it was not possible to change their equipment to adopt the new standard immediately. They made an exception and renamed the older foot the US survey foot. In the decades since some states in the US have started using the international foot for surveying. Some still use the US survey foot. That difference doesn't cause huge problems, but it does introduce some imprecision in a field, which aims to create accurate maps.

"Having two feet is great for people, but not so good for standards. " Writes Michael Dennis. He is a scientist working on the effort to do away with the US survey foot entirely. If the proposal works out as planned, the US will lose one foot in 2022 but gain the precision of a common foot across all industries.

36、According to the text, what was the base unit of length in the UK? ______

A.Meter.    B.Parasang.    C.Yard.    D.Foot.

37、Which country redefined the foot in 1959? ______

A.The US.    B.Iran.    C.Greece.    D.The UK.

38、Why could most industries easily accept the international foot? ______

A.It had many advantages.

B.It was very close to the older foot.

C.It was supported by scientists.

D.It was an exceptional unit of length.

39、What can we learn from the text? ______

A.Ancient Greeks measured length with the yard.

B.The older foot was renamed with women's feet the US survey foot.

C.The US industries are all using the same foot now.

D.Michael Dennis proposes to remove the US survey foot.

40、Where is the text probably from? ______

A.A novel.    B.A diary.    C.A poster.    D.A magazine.

People say that money cannot buy happiness. This was true for Howard Hughes. He was one of the richest and most powerful men of his time. He had everything : good looks, success, power, and a lot of money. But he didn't have love or friendship because he couldn't buy them. All his life he used his money to control everything and everyone around him. In the end, he lost control of everything, even himself.

Howard Hughes was born in 1905 in Houston, Texas. His father started the Hughes Tool Company. He was a workaholic(工作狂) and made a lot of money. He bought everything he wanted. He even gave money to schools so Howard could get into them. From his father, Howard learned to be a successful but merciless businessman. Hughes's mother, Alene also had a big influence on his life. Howard was her only child. She protected him and gave him everything. Unfortunately, Alene had mental problems. She was afraid of germs and diseases. She was obsessed with Howard's health, and he became obsessed with it too.

Alene died when Howard was 16 years old. Two years later, his father died. Hughes inherited the Hughes Tool Company. Then he married Ella Rice. He and Ella moved to Los Angeles, California. It was there that Howard Hughes began to become a legend(传奇人物). Hughes began to invest his money in movies. He became an important producer soon after he moved to California. He worked hard, but he also played hard. He became obsessed with power and control. When he couldn't get something legally, he gave money to politicians and businessmen so they would help him. He owned a lot of businesses, including airplane companies, a movie studio(制片厂), Las Vegas hotels, gold and silver mines, and radio and television stations. Once he bought a television studio so he could watch movies all night. He also bought a hotel because he wanted to stay in his favorite room for one weekend.

41、According to the passage, Howard Hughes was not ______.

A.good-looking    B.wealthy

C.friendly    D.powerful

42、Which of the following about Hughes's father is NOT true? ______

A.He started the Hughes Tool Company.    B.He liked to spend money.

C.He worked hard.    D.He drank alcohol a lot.

43、Howard Hughes's parents died ______.

A.when he was 16 years old    B.before he was 19 years old

C.after he got married    D.after he moved to California

44、The word "obsessed" in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.

A.troubled    B.reduced

C.related    D.informed

45、From the passage, we learn what Mr. Hughes lacked in his life was ______.

A.education    B.love

C.money    D.good looks

Part Ⅳ Sentence Translation

Section A English-Chinese Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

46、After this training, your reading speed will be twice as fast as before.

47、The kind of music that you like says something about your character.

48、Many new community centers have been built to make life easier for the old.

Section B Chinese-English Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.




Part Ⅴ Writing

52、Directions: Write an email in this part. Your writing should be based on the following outline.





Dear David,





Wang Hua
