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2023-12-09 22:19:09 爱真题 469

Part Ⅰ  Listening Comprehension

Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1、A. Go to America.                     B.Leave Beijing.

C.Book a ticket.                     D.Buy some gifts.

2、A. An engineer.                        B.A professor.

C.A manager.                        D.A secretary.

3、A. At a bank.                        B.At a bookstore.

C.In an office.                        D.In a restaurant.

4、A. She doesn't like the movie.

B.She can't see the movie today.

C.She has already seen the movie.

D.She prefers to watch movies alone.

5、A. Very happy.                      B.Excited.

C.Proud.                             D.A little worried.

Section B

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

6、A. Take a job interview.                B.Meeting a customer.

C.Giving a welcome speech.            D.Discussing a project.

7、A. She likes the environment there.

B.She can have a higher pay there.

C.The company is close to her home.

D.The company offers a longer paid holiday.

8、A. To place an order.                   B.To change an appointment.

C.To book a hotel room.                D.To discuss a program.

9、A. To have a family gathering.          B.To take a holiday.

C.To visit his partner.                  D.To sign a contract.

10、A. 9 a.m.                            B.10 a.m.

C.3 p.m.                            D.2 p.m.

Section C

Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. After the passage, there are five statements. The passage will be spoken three times. You are required to decide whether the sentences are True or False. Mark A (for TRUE. if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; mark B (for FALSE ) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Now the passage will begin.

11、Plenty of young people like making friends on the Internet.

12、The reason why most people talk online is to improve their language skills and learn more about something new.

13、Talking to strangers on the Internet is absolutely safe.

14、You can give your address, phone number and bank account to those you are talking with.

15、Even if the one you are talking with is impolite, you should also respond to him or her for politeness.

Part Ⅱ  Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. There are 20 incomplete sentences here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16、They found that the villagers ______ fetch water from a dirty pond as there was no clean water available.

A.wanted                              B.were able to

C.were                                 D.had to

17、______ his amazement, he has got the second prize in the speech contest.

A.For                                B.To

C.In                              D.At

18、There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher couldn't make himself ______.

A.heard                                B.hearing

C.to hear                             D.hear

19、I went to see a doctor about my headache yesterday. He said there was ______, but I must stay in bed for a few days.

A.something serious                     B.anything serious

C.not serious                           D.nothing serious

20、By the time the fire engines arrived, the house ______ to the ground.

A.has burned                           B.had been burned

C.has been burned                       D.should have been burned

21、He told me how he had given me shelter and food, otherwise I ______ of hunger.

A.will die                              B.died

C.shall die                              D.would have died

22、______, there were still some tickets available for the concert.

A.Which was expected                   B.That was expected

C.As was expected                     D.So it was expected

23、Only after food has been dried or canned ______ for later consumption.

A.that it should be stored                 B.should it be stored

C.should be stored                     D.it should be stored

24、Although I spoke to her about the matter several times, she took little ______ of what I said.

A.remark                               B.warning

C.notice                                D.attention

25、______ technological progress helps to relieve work is a fact accepted by people.

A.A                               B.That

C.Although                           D.There is

26、Before talking about the subject in details, ______.

A.a question should be asked             B.I will like to ask a question

C.I'd like to ask a question               D.a question is being asked

27、It took her a while to ______ living alone.

A.appeal to                             B.adjust to

C.amount to                           D.attach to

28、No matter how frequently ______, the film always attracts a large number of youngsters.

A.showing                             B.to be shown

C.shown                               D.being shown

29、I'd like to rent a house, modern, comfortable, and ______, close to a subway station.

A.all in all                              B.above all

C.after all                              D.over all

30、It is prohibited by law to mail parcels that might prove ______ in transport.

A.dangerous                            B.with danger

C.dangerously                          D.have danger

31、______, he can now only watch it on TV at home.

A.Not having obtained a ticket for the match

B.Have not obtained a ticket for the match

C.His not obtaining a ticket for the match

D.Not obtained a ticket for the match

32、She had to ______ her umbrella from the Lost Property Office.

A.ask                                  B.claim

C.want                                 D.require

33、Since the young man learned that he had a lung cancer, he has been in deep ______.

A.illusion                              B.impression

C.depression                           D.repetition

34、Even though the customer was very rude, the shop assistant ______ calm and polite.

A.rested                              B.remained

C.went                                 D.managed

35、It was said that the strangely-shaped bottle ______ a kind of perfumed mud.

A.obtained                             B.concerned

C.controlled                            D.contained

Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 4 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Public Library

If you put all the books you own on the street outside your house, you would expect them to disappear in a flash. But one man in Manila tried it and found that his collections grew. Hernando Guanlao is a cheerful man in his early 60s, with a strong passion (热爱)—books. They're his pride and joy.

Guanlao has set up an informal library outside his home in central Manila to encourage his local community to share his joy of reading. The idea is simple: readers can take as marly books as they want, for as long as they want, even permanently. It's a policy that you might assume it would end very quickly—with Guanlao having no books at all.

But in fact, in the 12 years he's been running his library and he's found that his collection has grown rather than diminished, as more and more people donate books to the cause.

Guanlao started his library in 2000, shortly after the death of his parents. He was looking for something to honor their rememberance (想念), and that was when he got the idea of promoting the reading habit he'd inherited (继承). "I saw my old textbooks upstairs and came up with the idea of having the public use them," he says. So he put the books outside the door of his house to see if anyone wanted to borrow them. They did, and they brought the books back with others to add to the collection. The library was born.

Somehow, every day, a steady stream of people find their way there to browse (浏览) and to contribute. But it's people like Celine who sustain (支撑) the library. She lives down the road from Guanlao, which gives her opportunity to help by regularly visiting with big bags of books. She says she loves the concept because Filipinos—certainly those who are not particularly wealthy—have limited accesses to books. "Considering the income here, I think parents have other priorities (优先考虑的事物)."

As we sit outside Guanlao's house watching people browse through the collection, he tells me why he thought it was worth spending all his time--even to the point of giving up his job and surviving purely on his savings—to maintain the library. He has also given several boxes of books to a man trying to set up a similar project outside Manila. "You don't do justice to these books if you put them in a cabinet or a box," he says. "A book should be used and reused. It has life, and it has a message. As a book caretaker, you become a cheerful man."

36、The writer introduces the subject in the first paragraph ______.

A.by comparing two different libraries

B.by saying something against the people in his community

C.by talking about your reaction if you put all the books outside your house

D.by putting all his books in the open air

37、When Guanlao set up his library outside his house, he hoped that ______.

A.his books would be sold out soon

B.the collection of books would grow quickly

C.nobody would take his books away and keep them forever

D.people in his neighbourhood would enjoy reading

38、Guanlao started his project because he felt the need to ______.

A.contribute to a better environment for the future

B.get rid of all the objects he did not really need

C.do something in memory of his parents

D.share his great wealth with less fortunate people

39、What does Celine particularly like about Guanlao's library? ______

A.It gives poor people a chance to read books.

B.It helps her throw away books she no longer wants.

C.She can find her favourable books there.

D.It provides reading materials for local schools.

40、What can be concluded about Guanlao from the last paragraph? ______

A.He has found a way to earn money with his library.

B.He is clearly pleased with the choice he has made.

C.He changed his job because he spent too much time on his library.

D.He wants to make his business more profitable by expanding the library.

Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.

Fashion Passes, Style Remains

Many people are influenced by fashion trends to some extent. Today, fashion design is fast, trendless (趋势不明的), comfortable and personal.

The street fashion trend, one of the most common forms, is more of an expression of personality and lifestyle than of fashion designs generally. Because social media have offered many ways for people to understand better fashion designs that are happening nowadays, fashion designs have indeed become shapeless (不受约束的).

Famous people set fashion trends. However, super stars are not the only ones who can openly express their fashion styles. Bloggers of fashion, not just professionals, but average people, can send out their fashion styles to the world. In a second, fashion will truly become everyday, everywhere, and everyone.

In the information age and a much globalized world community, fashion has transformed (改变) its outlook and concept as it starts embodying (体现) many varieties of elements of various cultures. For example, in the 1980s, jeans had monopolized (垄断) youth culture not only in the U.S.A. but also in other countries, particularly East Asian countries like Japan and Korea.

Now, American styles are no longer the standard as fashion designers of various ethnic (种族) background convey (传达) their own outlook into their designs. In addition, in this much globalized world, ethnicity is no longer the only factor that affects the fashion trend as it was decades ago. Today, people are guided by their taste, lifestyle, and experiences. For example, Alexander Wang's simple power women's look has won a lot of fans of minimalism (极简主义).

Furthermore, today fashion trends have much developed to embody the personal brand. Everyone's unique design can be called his or her fashion. For instance, the punk trend was original design of socially dissatisfied youths. Today it has been frequently used even by fashion designers. Decades ago, fashion had its standard rules such as how women and men should wear. Today, fashion isn't strictly ordered by gender (性别). There has come forth (出现) a new class of fashion named unisex in which clothing lines can be worn by both sexes. This model of fashion has been hugely popular given greater equality between men and women.

Fashion has changed, which allows more freedom of choices. The cost of fashion has also been changed. Before, fashionable clothing meant high price. Today, a fashionable piece of clothing does not need to be expensive. Simply put, price does not equate good fashion any longer. Fashion has basically evolved (演变)—not only the concept of fashion, but also the price and accessibility.

41、Who set the fashion trends? ______

A.Famous people.                       B.Ordinary people.

C.The professionals.                     D.All of the above.

42、Nowadays, fashion trends have embodied the ______ brand.

A.personal                             B.social

C.global                              D.nobody

43、If a jacket is "unisex", it ______.

A.is neither suitable for men nor for women

B.suits men and women as well

C.is not designed for women

D.is not good for men

44、Which one of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? ______

A.The fashion trend is changing fast.

B.Now the street fashion is one of the most common forms of fashion.

C.The American style is still the standard of fashion nowadays.

D.Nowadays the price of fashionable clothes is not necessarily very high.

45、Fashion has changed in the aspect of ______.

A.the concept of fashion, flexibility and price

B.quality, price and accessibility

C.accessibility, design and flexibility

D.the concept of fashion, price and accessibility

Task 3

Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in the table below. You should write your answers in no more than 3 words on the corresponding Answer Sheet.

Dealing with Your Office Emails

The email has completely changed the way in which we work today. It offers many benefits and, if used well, can be an excellent tool for improving your own efficiency. Managed badly, though, the email can be a waste of valuable time. Statistics indicates that office workers need to deal with an average of more than 30 emails a day. Despite your best efforts, spam (垃圾邮件) can clutter up (夹杂) the most organised inbox and infect your computer system with viruses. Here we give you guidance on how to protect yourself.

Prioritising incoming messages

If you are regularly faced with a large volume of incoming messages, you need to prioritise your inbox to identify which emails are really important. If it is obvious spam, it can be deleted without reading. Then follow these steps for each email:

● Check who the email is from. Were you expecting or hoping to hear from the sender? How quickly do they expect you to respond?

● Check what the email is about. Is the subject urgent? Is it about an issue that falls within your sphere of responsibility, or should it just be forwarded to someone else?

● Has the email been in your inbox for long? Check the message time.

An initial scan like this can help you identify the emails that require your prompt attention. The others can be kept for reading at a more convenient time.

Replying in stages

Having prioritised your emails, you can answer them in stages, first with a brief acknowledgement and then a more detailed follow-up. This is particularly advisable when dealing with complicated matters where you don't want to give a rushed answer. If you decide to do this, tell the recipient a definite date when you'll be able to get back to him or her and try to keep to this wherever possible.

Some emails are uncomplicated and only require a brief, one line answer, so it's a good idea to reply to these immediately. For example, if all you need to say is, "Yes, I can make the 10:00 meeting" or "Thanks, that's just the information I needed", do it. If you are unable to reply there and then or choose not to, let the sender know that you've received the message and will be in touch as soon as possible.

Dealing with Your Office Emails

To protect your computer system from virus infection, delete  46  .

Prioritise your emails according to the sender, subject and  47  .

With an initial scan, you will find emails that need your  48  .

If you don't want to answer a complex email immediately, you can give the sender  49  .

telling him or her when you will write back.

If an email needs only a short answer, you should  50  .

Task 4

Directions: In this part, you are going to read a passage with 5 statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the one from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph no more than once. The 5 statements are numbered 51 to 55. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Continuing Education

A. There is an increasing trend in many countries across Europe towards the provision of continuing education (CE.. Continuing education refers to courses which are offered as part of professional updating scheme for people in work and the number of CE courses is growing.

B. Many educational institutions, for example, offer summer school programmes or management development programmes which are designed to update and reskill individuals in their chosen, specialist (专业的) fields. Some programmes offer credits to students undertaking CE courses which count towards other recognized industry qualifications—for example, short courses at the University of Surrey are worth five credits towards HCIMA qualifications.

C. The delivery of CE has traditionally been characterized by face-to-face activity, discussion and tuition (讲授). However, the delivery mechanism is changing, and modes such as distance learning are becoming more common and increasingly important. For example, by reading this distance learning module, you are undertaking a form of CE activity because one of the primary objectives of this module is to update professionally. Taking this one step further, it is possible to argue that attendance at conferences is also a form of a CE activity since these should also play a major updating role.

D. In addition, there is also a trend in CE towards the accumulation of credits by attendance at short courses which will accrue (积累) for, and eventually constitute, a recognised award. For example, students may gain credits towards an MSC in Tourism and Hospitality Education at the University of Surrey by attending short courses, and submitting associated coursework and completing a number of distance learning modules. This mixed-mode flexibility means that students can continue to undertake their professional responsibilities, simultaneously reskilling themselves and gaining a recognized award.

E. In-company training may also be perceived as another type of CE activity: after all, it is seeking to refresh employees' knowledge and to assist them in undertaking their job more effectively. Many of the larger companies in the hospitality industry, in particular, offer comprehensive programmes at all levels of operation from operative level through supervisory to managerial levels. The majority of these programmes are well-structured and of major benefit to the employees. Sadly, however, they are rarely accredited (被认可) on a formal basis and they do not count for credits which can be accrued and, which count towards an external award.

51、Some education institutions provide programmes which offer credits to help CE students get some recognized industry qualifications.

52、Learners can get credits by attending short courses.

53、Continuing Education is defined as courses to provide people in work with updated professional knowledge.

54、Training programmes provided by companies are only recognized within the industry.

55、Continuing Education can be delivered in a number of forms.

Part Ⅳ Translation

Directions: This part, numbered 56 to 66, is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English or English into Chinese. Each of ten sentences (No.56 to No.65) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No.66) in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.


A.Having not car makes it inconvenient for him to go shopping.

B.Since his not having a car, he feels inconvenient to go shopping.

C.Not having a car, he finds it inconvenient to go shopping.

D.Not have a car, he regards it is inconvenient to go shopping.


A.Although made fifteen years ago, the machine is still in perfect working order.

B.Although having been made fifteen years ago, the machine be in perfect working order.

C.Although it had been made fifteen years ago, the machine has been in perfect working order.

D.Although it is made fifteen years ago, the machine is still being in perfect working order.


A.The factory has a history of less than 10 years, yet its products have entered to the international market.

B.The factory has a history of less than 10 years, yet its products have found their way into the international market.

C.This factory has a history of less than 10 years, yet its products have gone over the international market.

D.The factory has a history of less than 10 years, yet its products have been to the international market.


A.Discussion at the meeting is restricted to the agenda.

B.Discussion of the meeting is restricting with the agenda.

C.Discussion about the meeting is restricted into the agenda.

D.Discussion for the meeting is to restrict on the agenda.


A.Except from a general introduction to computers, the course also provides opportunities for practice.

B.In addition to a general introduction to computers, the course also provides opportunities for practice.

C.Not only giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides opportunities for practice.

D.In spite of a general introduction to computers, the course also provides opportunities for practice.


A.To avoid to go pass the town center, the taxi driver took an indirect route.

B.To avoid going the town center, the taxi driver takes an indirect route.

C.The taxi driver took an indirect route to avoid the town center.

D.The taxi driver takes an indirect route to avoid go passing the town center.


A.Thank you very much for the project's technical assistance.

B.You're thankful for the technical assistance of the project.

C.We're very grateful for you about your technical assistance to the project.

D.Your technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated.


A.Most people will consider applying to the bank for a loan when they buy a house.

B.Most people when consider buying a house will apply to the bank for a loan.

C.Most people will consider applying for the bank for a loan when they will buy a house.

D.Most people will consider buying a house when they apply a loan form a bank.


A.Having a walk is good for health, and I believe is especially important for young people.

B.Having a walk is good for health, what I believe it is especially important for young people.

C.Having a walk is good for health, which I believe is especially important to young people.

D.Having a walk is good for health, that I believe it is especially important to young people.


A.The experts demand the whole society to protect the women against domestic violence.

B.The experts call on the whole society to protect women against domestic violence.

C.The experts ask that the whole society to protect women against domestic violence.

D.The experts call for that the whole society to protect the women against domestic violence.

66、In recent years, an increasing number of college students are involved in various volunteering causes. There is no denying that volunteers make great contributions to society. On the one hand, in any big events such as Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo, human resources are surely in great demand. Whatever a volunteer can do is helpful for the event. On the other hand, students can reap great benefits from volunteering work. Various experiences in their volunteering practice guarantee their brighter future career.

Part Ⅴ Applied Writing

67、Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice according to the information given in Chinese below. You should write your notice (no less than 100 words) on the Answer Sheet.




活动时间:2018年4月20日星期五14:00 — 17:00。

需要募集的义卖物品:书籍、文具、衣服鞋帽、围巾手套、日用品、手工制品、艺术作 品以及各种电子产品等。



Words for reference:

义卖 charity sale    文具 stationary    艺术作品 artistic works

捐赠 donate    学生会 the Student Union    日用品 articles for daily use

电子产品 electronic products
