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2023-12-01 20:27:49 爱真题 637

Part Ⅰ  Vocabulary and Structure

Direction: There are 45 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

1、 —Must we clean the room now?

—No, you ______.

A. mustn't        B. can't              C. needn't           D. don't

2、 I ______ in the countryside. Now I've been in this city for over twenty years.

A. used to live     B. used to living      C. was used to live    D. was used to living

3、 We will go to New York ______ air ______ October.

A. on; in          B. by; in             C. in; on             D. on; on

4、 I can get ______ in my part of the conversation.

A. involved        B. involve            C. involving           D. to involve

5、 My problems are very similar ______ yours.

A. about          B. at                C. in                D. to

6、 She is not satisfied ______ the present salary and working conditions.

A. for            B. with              C. by               D. to

7、 We were very happy at the news ______ he had been elected the best employee.

A. what          B. which            C. that              D. whether

8、 He spoke so quickly that I didn't ______ what he said.

A. catch            B. miss                 C. listen                D. receive

9、 The picture reminds me ______ the time we spent together when we were young.

A. in             B. of               C. for               D. to

10、 I don't think ______ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

A. it           B. that             C. this             D. those

11、 No sooner had the manager finished his talk ______ he was surrounded by the journalists.

A. then          B. than               C. when              D. as

12、 The company did not decide ______ the new product in the local newspapers.

A. how they will advertise               B. how should they advertise

C. how do they advertise                 D. how they would advertise

13、 Exercise helps them to grow ______ and ______.

A. taller; more strong                    B. tall; stronger

C. taller; stronger                       D. taller; strong

14、 ______ you enjoy listening to classic music, you can go to that concert.

A. ff             B. Once              C. When              D. Though

15、 The new model of computer ______ me six hundred dollars.

A. took           B. cost               C. spent              D. worth

16、 Problems may ______ when people have no knowledge of the law.

A. arise          B. rise               C. raise              D. arouse

17、 There was so much noise that the speaker couldn't make himself ______.

A. hearing        B. to hear            C. heard              D. being heard

18、 The consultant suggested that he ______ a loan from the bank to finance his business.

A. would apply for                       B. applied for

C. applies for                            D. apply for

19、 Gloria is the girl ______ is eating an apple now.

A. who           B. /                  C. whom              D. what

20、 Li Ming, together with a roommate, ______ in the north of the city.

A. live           B. living             C. lives              D. lived

21、 —We will go on a trip this Sunday.

— ______!

A. Congratulations                      B. Not bad

C. That sounds wonderful                D. Thank you

22、 The furniture in her room is quite different ______ in yours.

A. from that      B. from one           C. from those         D. from ones

23、 The classroom was almost empty ______ a desk or two.

A. besides       B. except for         C. except            D. beside

24、 Linda and John have already arrived, but ______ students of their class aren't here yet.

A. the other      B. the others         C. other              D. others

25、 —I felt rather tired after climbing the mountain.

— ______.

A. You must stay here                   B. Go and see a doctor please

C. You'd better have a rest             D. That's nothing

26、 He was so ______ that he burst into tears.

A. exciting       B. excite              C. excited            D. excites

27、 She was ______ than her sister.

A. intelligent     B. more intelligent    C. intelligenter        D. much intelligent

28、 Not until he saw the green light ______ his car.

A. he started     B. that he started     C. did he start        D. he has started

29、 —Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?


A. Sorry, he isn't in at the moment

B. Of course

C. I'm sorry. He is busy now. Please call him in a moment

D. Yes, please

30、 —It's very kind of you. Thank you very much.


A. It's a pleasure                       B. My pleasure

C. A pleasure                           D. So pleasure

31、 They told the children ______ in the street.

A. to not play    B. not play           C. not to play         D. to play not

32、 — ______ do you visit your parents?

—Once a month.

A. How long      B. How soon          C. How often          D. How far

33、 David can run as ______ as your sister.

A. soon           B. well               C. quick              D. fast

34、 I need to take a nap to ______ myself.

A. relax          B. move              C. pull               D. push

35、 ______ her surprise, she found herself in a different world.

A. In            B. To                C. On               D. For

36、 If you are curious ______ another language, then just start learning it!

A.about          B.of                C.for                D.to

37、 " ______ is your nationality, Miss Green?" "Australian."

A.What          B.Where            C.Which            D.Who

38、 I am sure David will be able to find the library because he has a pretty good ______ of direction.

A.idea            B.feeling             C.experience         D.sense

39、 My back ______ from sitting at the computer all day.

A.hurts          B.attacks            C.aches             D.pains

40、 Have you had any ______ work experience or is this kind of work new to you?

A.early           B.old               C.previous           D.original

41、 If you pay cash for this computer, we will give you a 5% ______.

A.discount       B.sale               C.cost               D.price

42、 I can't ______ the meaning of the poem because it's too vague.

A.work out       B.stick with         C.take after         D.break out

43、 Mr. Green went to Shanghai on business last week, ______?

A.isn't he       B.didn't he         C.doesn't he        D.hasn't he

44、 Doctors cannot find a cure for the illness until they have identified the ______.

A.cause           B.disease            C.symptom           D.effect

45、 Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ______ to the outside world.

A.being lost       B.losing              C.having lost         D.lost

Part Ⅱ  Reading Comprehension

Direction: After reading each passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Task 1

An e-book, also known as an electronic(电子的) book, is an electronic version(版本) of a print of book that you can download(下载) and read. What you need in order to read an e-book is an E-book Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have the proper Reader before you download your e-book from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into proper size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your choice of viewing. E-books are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computer, including your portable(便携式) computer so you can take them with you when you travel, and create your own library of hundreds of titles. Best of all, when you order an e-book, there is no waiting and no shipping or handling charges. The amount of time it takes to download your e-book depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your e-book.

46、 From this passage, we know that an e-book ______.

A. can be read by any reader who has a computer

B. should be read with the help of a special kind of software

C. is a print form of a book often found in libraries

D. can be downloaded by turning on the computer

47、 An E-book Reader is useful for ______.

A. turning a print book into an electronic version

B. reading an e-book in a portable computer

C. downloading an e-book from the Internet

D. finding fun alternatives to an e-book

48、 From this passage, we can learn that ______.

A. reading an e-book is troublesome

B. the ordered e-books have to be shipped to you

C. you can order an e-book from the E-book Reader

D. travelers can read an e-book on a portable computer

49、 Which of the following statements is TRUE? ______.

A. An e-book can be downloaded from the Internet.

B. The size of the words in an e-book cannot be changed.

C. An e-book is ordered in the same way as a print book.

D. One has to pay some money to get an E-book Reader.

50、 Which of the following would be the best title of the passage? ______.

A. Choices of E-books

B. Advantages of E-books

C. Introduction to E-books

D. Importance of E-books

Task 2

Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers. The company's best-known hardware products include the Macs lines of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. As of August 2010, the company operates 301 retail stores in ten countries, and an online store where hardware and software products are sold. As of May 2010, Apple is one of the largest companies in the world and the most valuable technology company in the world, having surpassed Microsoft.

Established on April 1, 1976 in Cupertino, California, and incorporated on January 3, 1977, the company was previously named Apple Computer, Inc. for its first 30 years, but removed the word "Computer" on January 9, 2007, to reflect the company's ongoing expansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its traditional focus on personal computers.

Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world in 2008, 2009, and 2010. The company has also received widespread criticism for its contractors' labor, environmental and business practices.

51、 Apple Inc. is a well-known corporation that does Not design ______.

A. computer software                    B. personal computers

C. consumer electronics                 D. home appliances

52、 You can buy Apple products ______.

A. both at its retail stores and at its online store

B. only at its retail stores

C. at any store

D. only at its online store

53、 Apple has surpassed Microsoft as ______ by May 2010.

A. the largest company in the world

B. the most valuable technology company in the world

C. the most advanced company in the world

D. the most profitable company in the world

54、 The word "Computer" was removed from the company's name ______.

A. on April 1, 1976                     B. on January. 3, 1977

C. on January 9, 2007                   D. in August 2010

55、 Apple has received criticism for its ______.

A. environmental practices               B. contractors' labor

C. business practices                    D. all of the above

Part Ⅲ  Practical Reading

Task 1

Direction: After reading the following list of terms, you are required to write the equivalent item on the blank.

sample order            bill of exchange         letter of credit        export license

insurance policy        saving plan              balanced budget         capital market

cash management         financial statement











Task 2

Direction: The following is a selection from an advertisement. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 66 to 70 (in no more than 3 words) in the table below.

Half Price Tickets to Dream World

That's right. We've managed to secure half price tickets to Dream World!

Join us on the 20th of February to get in for the crazy cheap price of $ 39!

We'll be meeting at South Bank Railway Station at 8:30 am to catch the 9:01 am Varsity Lakes Express. We'll then catch the connecting bus which should get us to Dream World just as it is opening. (You'll need to bring money for the train—approximately $10.)

You can join us at the station, or meet us at Dream World itself—just let us know beforehand where you'll be meeting us.

Please register at the names and phone numbers of the guests that you’ll be bringing.

We also need the names and phone numbers of the guests that you'll be bringing.


Call 3138 1895 which will be directed to a mobile on the day.

Half Price Tickets to Dream World

Half price tickets of $ 39 will be provided on  66  .

People need to meet at  67   Railway Station at 8:30 am so as to catch  68   Varsity Lakes Express.

Participants need to register at  69  .

Guests, who do not have to be  70  , are welcome.

Task 3

Direction: The following is a travel introduction. After reading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions(No. 71 to No. 75). You should write your answers in no more than 3 words.

Lying just south of the equator, 160km north of Australia, Papua New Guinea(PNG. is part of a great arc of mountains stretching from Asia, through Indonesia and into the South Pacific. Visitors will discover a wealth of tropical scenery, from jungle-clad mountains and mighty rivers to the sandy white beaches and the coastal and island provinces. This diverse land has more than 600 islands and 800 local languages, one of the largest areas of rainforest outside of the Amazon.

The country's perfect rainforest is home to many rare species of birds, butterflies and insects, and there are more than 1,000ha of land dedicated to national parks. Rugged mountain areas and deep cave systems offer wonderful opportunities for walkers, cavers and climbers, and there is canoeing, kayaking and fishing on the vast river. Papua New Guinea enjoys some of the world's best diving around its warm coastal waters.

71、 Where does Papua New Guinea lie? ______

It lies south of the equator, 160km

72、 What can visitors discover in PNG? ______


73、 How many islands does PNG have?

______ islands.

74、 What can people find in PNG's rainforest?

Rare species of ______ and insects.

75、 What can people enjoy doing on the vast river in PNG?

Canoeing, ______.

Part Ⅳ  Translation—English into Chinese

Task 1

Direction: Write your translation of the following sentences.

76、 Volunteers often say that they are able to learn a lot from the people they help.

77、 It's best to avoid going out in the strong midday sun.

78、 I wonder if you have a single room available for tomorrow.

79、 Clean air and beautiful countryside are just what you need to help you relax.

80、 Passengers going to the airport by arranged buses must take the bus at the time and place as shown below.

Task 2

Direction: Write your translation of the short passage.

81、 When asked about the biggest problem today, many people say that it is the serious energy crisis. They are afraid that the world will soon run out of oil and run short of food. But other people hold optimistic views: they regard it as a natural result of the economic development and believe it will be only solved with further development in economy and technology.

Part Ⅴ  Writing

Task 1

82、Direction: Write an e-mail notice according to the information given below:









From:  (82)

Date: 2017/4/10

To:  (83)

Subject: Wu Jing has picked up your Hotmail Greeting

The Hotmail Greeting that you sent to Wu Jing  (84)   on April 10th, 2017 has been picked up.

If you'd like to send another greeting, you can do so at  (85)  .

You can view the greeting that you sent to Wu Jing at  (86)  .

Thanks for using Hotmail Greetings!

The Hotmail Greetings Team

Task 2

83、Direction: You are required to complete the notice according to the information given in Chinese.



Exciting Football March! International!

Teams: University Team vs. Overseas Students' Team

Time:  (87)

Place:  (88)

Sponsor:  (89)

Last year's second place winner of the university championship challenges the combination of international powers from Europe,  (90)  ! The game is bound to be  (91)   and enjoyable. Everybody is welcome to cheer for the players.
