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2023-12-01 20:31:33 爱真题 863

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure


Directions: There are 50 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.

1、 " ______ to some fruit," Dad said to my friends.

A.Help yourselves                         B.Help herself

C.Help yourself                           D.To help themselves

2、 You left ______ "m" out of common.

A.a              B.an               C.the               D./

3、 ______ forget to write to me!

A.Not             B.No                C.Don't            D.Ever

4、 —I have made some coffee. Would you like ______?

—That would be fine.

A.many            B.any                C.some              D.little

5、 I went to school ______ 8 o'clock ______ the morning.

A.at; on           B.on; in             C.in; at             D.at; in

6、 She ______ yoga every morning.

A.did              B.does               C.doing              D.do

7、 Three hundred thousand one hundred and seventy means ______.

A.3,170          B.3,117            C.300,170          D.30,170

8、 —How often do you go to the bookstore, May?


A.Once a week.    B.In a week.         C.Yesterday.         D.Once.

9、 —Excuse me, are these items on sale?


A.I see.                                   B.Yes, they' re half price.

C.Really?                                 D.Yes, go straight on.

10、 If you don't wear a hat, you'll ______ sunstroke.

A.gets           B.getting           C.got               D.get

11、 —Have you been to the new beauty salon yet?


A.Yes, it's great.                       B.Because I can't afford it.

C.In the center of the town.              D.Once a week.

12、 Our life is becoming ______.

A.more and more good                    B.better and better

C.the better and the better              D.best and best

13、 —You look familiar. Have we met before?


A.Yes, we live near each other.          B.No, I can't.

C.Maybe next week.                     D.See you later.

14、 She couldn't keep back her tears ______ she felt very sad.

A.though         B.so that           C.before            D.because

15、 —Will you be paying by cash or card?


A.Yes, please.    B.No, thanks.       C.By cash.          D.Sure.

16、 I'm pleased to receive your letter of April 10, ______ for our catalogue and price list.

A.ask             B.asked              C.asking             D.to ask

17、 She said that she ______ in that country since 1953.

A.has worked                            B.had worked

C.works                                D.worked

18、 —What will you be doing this time next year?


A.In Paris.                               B.I went to the movies.

C.No. I didn't.                          D.Relaxing on a beach.

19、 It felt like we were ______.

A.watch                                 B.being watched

C.have watched                          D.being watch

20、 —You look a bit down. What's up?


A.Great, thanks. And you?              B.No, I don't mind.

C.I'm OK, just tired.                   D.Go straight on.

21、 The policeman is investigating the ______ about the traffic accident.

A.passer-by       B.passers-by         C.passer-bys         D.passers-bys

22、 —Have you heard that Tom broke his leg again?


A.Oh, sorry to hear that.                 B.Take care.

C.Take it easy.                        D.It's OK.

23、 The young scientist decided to work ______ in the ______ forest.

A.lonely; alone                          B.alone; lonely

C.alone; alone                           D.lonely; lonely

24、 Make up your mind, ______ you will miss the opportunity.

A.unless          B.or                 C.and                D.so

25、 Though he had failed many times, he still said he wouldn't ______.

A.give away      B.give off            C.give in             D.give up

26、 No company can afford to bear the ______ of customer confidence.

A.stress          B.loss               C.worry             D.hurry

27、 ______ the news, everyone was very ______.

A.Heard; disappointed                 B.Hearing; disappointing

C.Heating; disappointed                D.Heard; disappointing

28、 —Would you mind me opening the window?


A.With pleasure.                         B.Don't say no.

C.You are too polite.                     D.No, not at all.

29、 It was in Johnson's hotel ______ the business meeting was held last year.

A.this           B.what             C.which            D.that

30、 —Shall we meet at the school gate at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning?


A.Fine, thanks.                          B.No problem.

C.Wait a minute.                         D.It's lovely.

31、 John, you ______ play with the knife. You ______ hurt yourself.

A.won't; can't                           B.mustn't; may

C.shouldn't; must                       D.can't; shouldn't

32、 She's very ______ She has so many friends!

A.popularity      B.shy                C.popular            D.unfriendly

33、 —Do you want to work out with me?


A.Sure, I'd love to.                      B.Sometimes.

C.No, there isn't.                       D.Yes, I have.

34、 —She is going fishing today.

—So ______.

A.I do            B.and I               C.I also              D.do I

35、 —Are you looking forward to your vacation?


A.Yes, I can't wait.                     B.Spain.

C.With my family.                       D.By plane.

36、 ______, Mr. White starts his morning with a cup of coffee.

A.As usual       B.So far             C.By now           D.At most

37、 If I ______ better at science, I'd be a doctor.

A.was            B.am                C.were              D.are

38、 —Why are you exercising so much nowadays?


A.In the gym.                          B.With my friend.

C.Once a week.                         D.Because I want to get fit.

39、 A lot of tall buildings ______ in his hometown in the last three years.

A.have built up   B.built up           C.were built up      D.have been built up

40、 I asked her ______ she had been to England.

A.who           B.what             C.if                D.how

41、 The boy ______ I met at the party is my brother's best friend.

A.who            B.which              C.where              D.when

42、 In the survey, we asked the workers about things ______ made their work harder to do.

A.what          B.that              C.who              D.this

43、 Your pay raise will in part ______. your work experience and skills.

A.carry on        B.take on            C.depend on         D.put on

44、 —Two months ______ quite a long time.

—Yes, I'm afraid that he will miss a lot of lessons.

A.is              B.are                C.was                D.were

45、 She was ______ dinner when her mother phoned.

A.cooking         B.cooks              C.cook               D.cooked

46、 We'd like to make an ______ with your manager to further discuss the contract.

A.opportunity     B.influence          C.appointment       D.experiment

47、 Your room is ______ mine.

A.three times as big as                   B.three times as bigger as

C.as three times big                      D.as big as three times

48、 Attention, please! All the mobile phones must ______ before the meeting.

A.turn off                                B.turned off

C.be turning off                          D.be turned off

49、 ______ Lily ______ Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.

A.Not only; but also                     B.Either; or

C.Both; and                             D.Neither; nor

50、 The population of China is larger than ______ of the United States.

A.this           B.that              C.these             D.those

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. Here are 5 tasks for you to read. You need to choose the best answer for the first 4 tasks and fill in the blanks for task 5.

Task 1

Thank you for shopping at Sparky Clothes!

We hope that you have enjoyed shopping with us and that you are very happy with your purchase. All of our clothes are made with the highest quality materials. We're sure you'll enjoy wearing your Sparky item of clothing for many years to come.

● Please note that you must return items to us within 28 days.

● We offer exchanges for items which do not fit (too small, too big, etc.).

● We also offer credit notes which are valid for one year.

● We only offer refunds for items which are faulty.

● Please note that we cannot offer exchanges or refunds unless you have the receipt.

If you have any questions about our return policy, please email customercare@sparky.com.

Don't forget to visit our website for news of special offers and discounts!

And remember: if you want to get the $500 voucher for Sparky Clothes, just visit our website and fill in the survey. Good luck!

51、 According to the manufacturers, Sparky Clothes are made with ______.

A.good value                             B.high quality

C.high fashion                           D.environmentally friendly materials

52、 If you want to return something, you should do so ______.

A.in less than 28 days after buying it     B.in less than 2 weeks after buying it

C.within a year                          D.immediately

53、 How long will you be able to use a credit note for?______

A.28 days.        B.2 months.          C.A year.            D.2 years.

54、 How can you find out about special offers?______

A.Visit your local store.                  B.Email customer care.

C.Look out for TV ads.                       D.Visit the website.

55、 What do you need to do if you want to win $500 to spend on clothes?______

A.Follow the shop on social media.

B.Return a faulty item.

C.Fill in a survey.

D.Send an email, asking a question about the return policy.

Task 2

A challenging year

I have always been interested in conservation, so after I graduated from school, I knew exactly what I wanted to do: I wanted to spend a year doing volunteer work.

There were so many projects that it took a long time to choose the one that I felt was right for me. I needed to think really carefully about my own skills and the skills which were needed for the different jobs. In the end, I chose a job in Arizona, working to look after the national parks and forests there.

It was really hard work! Summer in Arizona is very hot and I was often doing heavy physical work. I certainly got big muscles afterwards! I felt more tired than I had ever been before.

Yet despite the challenges, it was a great experience and I will never forget it. I managed to get really close to the wildlife—and got a much deeper understanding of the wildlife than if I had just been a tourist. I made some really good friends too.

The best thing about the year was that I returned home feeling absolutely sure about what I wanted to study at college. I've just started a course in environmental science and I'm really enjoying it.

56、 Why did the writer choose to do conservation work after graduating?______

A.He was interested in it.

B.He needed to make money before going to college.

C.He thought it would be a good way to see the world.

D.He wasn't sure what else to do.

57、 How did he go about choosing his volunteer placement?______

A.He asked his teacher for advice.

B.He chose the placement nearest his home.

C.He matched his skills with the requirements of the work.

D.He asked his friends to help him choose.

58、 What was the biggest challenge he faced?______

A.Feeling homesick.                      B.Making friends.

C.Coping with the food.                  D.Doing hard work in the heat.

59、 According to the author, what was the best thing after doing one year's volunteer work?______

A.Learning a lot about wildlife.

B.Knowing what he wants to study at college.

C.Getting something good for his resume.

D.Meeting his girlfriend.

60、 What is he doing now?______

A.Studying.                              B.Planning his next trip.

C.Working in his first job.               D.Resting at home.

Task 3

First impressions

OK, you've got the job of your dreams. Now what? Well, there are a few things you can do to help you to get off to a great start.

First, don't be late! This may sound obvious but it's really important. Make sure you know how long it takes you to get to the office from your home. Do a few practice runs before your first day so that you can arrive on time, feeling calm and confident.

The second thing you need to do is to make a good start with your co-workers. Make an effort to remember their names. Spend lunchtime getting to know the people you work with—don't feel tempted to sit alone at your desk!

Don't be frightened to ask questions: most people will enjoy being able to help out by answering. Pay attention to and take notes on what people tell you, so you don't find yourself asking the same questions over and over.

Finally, make sure you look your best. Ask about the dress code and take a little extra time to make sure you look tidy and smart. This shows that you are serious about your new job.

If you follow these steps, you're sure to make a good impression on your new co-workers and your boss.

61、 Who is this article written for?______

A.People who are looking for a job.

B.People who are unhappy at work.

C.People who are just starting a job.

D.People who can't decide which career to choose.

62、 According to the writer, what should you do before your first day?______

A.Practise the journey to work.

B.Buy a car.

C.Buy some very expensive clothes.

D.Do some research on the company.

63、 What does the writer suggest doing at lunchtime?______

A.Staying at your desk.

B.Talking to your co-workers.

C.Taking notes about what you've learned.

D.Getting some fresh air.

64、 Why should you take notes on what people tell you?______

A.It makes you look serious.

B.It will stop you from repeating the same questions.

C.It makes them feel important.

D.It will make you seem busy.

65、 How should you dress?______

A.Put on really expensive clothes.         B.Put on comfortable clothes.

C.Put on very fashionable clothes.        D.You should follow the dress code.

Task 4

Read the following passage about MOOCs. Choose the best topic for each paragraph from the list in the box. There is one choice you do NOT need.

Paragraph 1

The movement toward education by computers is developing fast. Massive Open Online Courses, called MOOCs, are changing how people learn in many places. For years, people could receive study materials from colleges or universities and take part in traditional classes. But such classes were not designed for many thousands of students at one time, as MOOCs are.

Paragraph 2

Course materials provided by MOOCs can serve both those studying far away from school and those attending classes in person. Anyone with a computer and an online connection can sign up for a MOOC. Students do not have to pass entrance exams. Many professors are creating online videos for their lectures and then ask their students to watch the videos at home the week before class. The computer scientist notes it is a lot more fun for students to work in teams at solving problems than listening to a lecture.

Paragraph 3

The spread of Internet learning for a huge number of people is leading some colleges to join the movement. Major universities like Stanford and Harvard have invested millions of dollars to help launch MOOCs. Universities that fail to join the movement for MOOCs may be worried about their chances of survival. Colleges also hope to gain more students and cut operational costs in return for their investments.

Paragraph 4

For years, a degree has been the sign to employers that students have completed a college education. But today, employers may be more than willing to offer work to a student with an excellent record in MOOC courses with a college degree. That is especially true at technology companies.

Paragraph 5

But the investment service is warning that smaller, less well-known colleges may suffer because of MOOCs. It says students may want to receive certificates from major universities instead of attending a local junior college that provides traditional credits.

A. Theories of modern education.

B. The concept of MOOCs.

C. Social acceptance of MOOCs.

D. Reasons for colleges to offer MOOCs.

E. Challenge for traditional credit providers.

F. Benefits for students to take MOOCs.

66、 Paragraph 1______

67、 Paragraph 2______

68、 Paragraph 3______

69、 Paragraph 4______

70、 Paragraph 5______

Task 5

Read the passage. Fill in each blank with no more than three words. Dear Mr. Wills,

I'm pleased to be able to write a letter of recommendation in support of Peter's application for the role of cashier at your bank.

Peter has worked as a sales assistant in my shop for five years now. In addition to being popular and well-liked among his colleagues, he is a hard-working and productive member of staff whose contributions on the sales floor will be greatly missed.

As a sales assistant in our busy store, he has plenty experience of dealing with members of the public, and he is also used to handling money, both of which would be useful skills for a bank cashier to possess.

I think that Peter would be an asset to any workplace: I can't recommend him highly enough.

Yours sincerely,

Brenda Gray

71、 Why is Ms. Gray writing this letter?

She wishes to be in support of ______ for the role of bank cashier.

72、 How long has Peter worked for Ms. Gray?

He's worked for Ms. Gray ______.

73、 How does Peter get along with Iris colleagues?

He is ______.

74、 How does Ms. Gray feel about Peter's leaving?

She thinks he will be ______.

75、 What useful experience has Peter had?

He's dealt with members of the public and he's used to ______.

Part Ⅳ Translation


Directions: This part is to test your translating ability. Here are five sentences for you to read. Please translate these sentences into Chinese.

76、 Please show me your ID card.

77、 We don't go sightseeing today because of the weather.

78、 The job is far more difficult than he thought.

79、 She plans to find a part-time job related to computer application technology.

80、 You can exchange these items any time within 30 days of purchase.

Part Ⅵ Writing

Directions: This part is to test your writing ability. You are required to complete the article according to the following information given below.

假如你叫李华,在贵州某职院学习,最近你院将接待一批来自泰国的学生。请根据下表用 英文给来访学生领队Junar写封信,告知他们在贵州的日程安排。

4月10日  上午  10:00  校长致欢迎辞

11:30—12:30  学生食堂就餐

下午  14:00-17:00  参观校园及学院实训中心

晚上  18:30  举行欢迎晚宴

4月11日  上午  9:00—12:00  交流学习经验

下午  14:00—17:00  学习中国文化

晚上  19:00—21:00  与中国学生联欢

4月12日  上午  10:00—12:00  参观贵州省博物馆

下午  15:00  乘坐火车前往广州

Dear Junar,

I'm writing to tell you about the arrangement for your stay here. When you arrive at our college  81  , our president will give you a welcome speech. After that, you will be taken to students' canteen and have lunch there. We are going to  82   from 14:00 to 17:00 and then a dinner will be given in your honor at 18:30 in the evening. On April 11, you will stay in our college to exchange learning experience with us and  83   in the daytime. After that, we will  84   in the evening. On the last day, we will  85   in the morning. You will leave for Guangzhou by train at 15:00.

Look forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua
