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2023-11-28 22:01:57 爱真题 231

Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure

1、I was just about ______ the office when my boss called to see me in the meeting room.



C.to leaving

D.to leave

2、There wasn't anyone in the room at that time, ______?

A.isn't there

B.wasn't there

C.was there

D.is there

3、Walk another block and cross the traffic lights, and you will see the hotel ______ your left.





4、The twins ______ so much alike that I can hardly tell them apart.



C.is looking

D.are looking

5、______ a wonderful trip he had in China!





6、As an old saying goes, It is no use______ your chickens before they are hatched.


B.to count



7、Not until he finished his homework ______ him to watch TV in the evening.

A.did his parents allow

B.his parents had allowed

C.his parents allowed

D.had his parents allowed

8、We still have two hours as the plane will not ______ until 10 o'clock.

A.take after

B.take off

C.take away

D.take out

9、Look ______ the different meaning of this word in a dictionary.





10、Simon ______ to help in the local nursery every Saturday afternoon.

A.has gone



D.had gone

11、It is bad ______ for anybody to smoke in public places.





12、Peter thought it was worth ______ a hundred miles to watch the basketball game.





13、Robert ______ breakfast with his three children when the policeman came.

A.was having

B.had been having


D.is having

14、People generally ______ it for granted that young people have good health.





15、Most college students will go home for a vacation after they ______ their final exams.

A.will finish



D.had finished

16、The audience, most of ______ were art students, enjoyed the performance.





17、Tom ______ his former English teacher who was shopping the day before yesterday.

A.ran away

B.ran up

C.ran over

D.ran into

18、It is about time that you ______ what a bad impression your impatience makes on people.

A.shall realize


C.will realize


19、The professor recommended that students ______ more extensive reading after class.

A.would do



D.had done

20、My smart phone is nowhere to be found at home.I ______ on the table in the office.

A.must left it

B.must have left it

C.should have left it

D.ought to have left it

21、I ______ to give a speech at the opening ceremony last Friday.



C.have invited

D.was invited

22、When you have any difficulties, you could ______ your friends for help.

A.turn to

B.turn out

C.turn over

D.turn on

23、Helen ______ a good job since she graduated from the university.

A.doesn't find

B.hasn't found

C.didn't find

D.hadn't found

24、Billy finds it rather difficult to get accustomed to ______ before a large audience.


B.be speaking



25、We must begin testing the instrument, no matter ______ difficult it is.





26、All ______ you can do to comfort her is to listen to her patiently.





27、The more careful you are, ______ .

A.the less mistakes will you make

B.the less mistakes you'll make

C.the fewer mistakes will you make

D.the fewer mistakes you'll make

28、John wishes that he ______ in business instead of politics when he was at college.


B.had majored

C.have major


29、These apple trees, ______ I planted three years ago, have not borne any fruit yet.





30、They climbed to the top of the hill ______ they could get a bird's eye view of the whole city.

A.for fear that

B.in case that

C.in order that

D.as a result

31、If it had not rained yesterday, the construction workers ______ their work as scheduled.

A.will finish

B.would have finished

C.will have finish

D.would finish

32、David has been studying here for three years and by the end of next August he ______ .

A.will graduate

B.will be graduated

C.will be graduating

D.will have graduated

33、Busy ______ she is, Catherine still does a lot of reading and writing after work.





34、So little ______ about the British history that the lecture was completely beyond me.

A.do I know

B.I knew

C.did I know

D.I know

35、Although Peter was in a hurry, he stopped ______ an old lady with a heavy box.


B.being helped

C.to help


36、British people often avoid ______ to strangers until they have been introduced.


B.to talk



37、You may borrow my dictionary ______ you keep it clean and give it back to me next week.

A.as far as

B.as long as

C.in case

D.even if

38、My new job is good ______ salary, but it does not seem to have opportunities for promotion.

A.in charge of

B.in case of

C.in terms of

D.in favor of

39、While he felt like ______ in the discussion, Jack was too shy to open his mouth.

A.to join



D.to joining

40、The reason why Beethoven went away to the country is ______ he was gradually going deaf .





41、After all the students had taken their seats, the teacher started to______ the examination papers.

A.hand in

B.hand out

C.hand on

D.hand over

42、People tend to associate certain brand names______ high quality.





43、I sincerely______ him to make great progress in his project in a short time.





44、Beijing is ______ that we can hardly visit all the beautiful places of interest in two or three days.

A.such large a city

B.such a large city

C.so a large city

D.a such large city

45、No sooner had Monica fallen asleep______ the telephone rang.





46、The weatherman says that it is going to ______ tomorrow.

A.clear away

B.clear up

C.clear off

D.clear out

47、Nancy required that her son ______ to bed at 9 pm if he had to go to school the second day.





48、In teaching English,teachers should not ______ students of their mistakes all the time.





49、We have to face the fact ______ a new computer virus has appeared and it can spread across computers rapidly.





50、Frank doesn't know how to start a conversation, for it is the first time that he ______ a girl out.



C.had asked

D.has asked

51、If I ______ you,I wouldn't miss the chance to see the movie tomorrow evening.


B.will be



52、This is the only English-French dictionary ______ could be found in the teachers' reading room.





53、______ is known to the world, light travels much faster than sound.





54、The manager would like to have these materials ______ by 9 o'clock.


B.to print



55、Let's go there a little earlier ______ we can take seats in the front.

A.by that

B.for that

C.so that

D.now that

56、I called both of my parents yesterday. To my surprise, ______ of them answered it.





57、You will be able to pass the examination if you do not lose ______ .





58、The captain is supposed to be the last man ______ a sinking ship.



C.to be leaving

D.to leave

59、It was not until near the end of the letter ______ she mentioned her own plan.





60、A survey shows that the younger generation is more ______ to use the Internet for leisure activities.





Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Passage One

An Adjustment to Price

Most American people hate repeating the same work endlessly, especially those who live in West America. They try their best to make their life colorful and their work interesting. If they have to do the same regular work , they'll try to do it in different ways. Repetition and monotony(单调)are what they can't stand.

In the West of America, there is a beautiful old mountain village which is well known for its straw hats. The villagers there can make many different styles of hats-hats for old gentlemen, for sweet and playful children and for beautiful young ladies. People often go there to buy hats.

One day there came a young tourist who entered a hat shop and found a very nice hat that cost five dollars. He said to the shop-keeper, "If you agree to sell at a cheaper price, I'd like to buy two hundred hats of this style." "No, you should pay me at least ten dollars each if you wish to get so many hats of the same style."

"How's that?" The tourist could not understand.

"Well," said the shop-keeper, "If you buy only one hat of this style, I can make it easily. If you order two hundred hats of different styles, I can also manage the business without much difficulty. However,it will almost bore me to death if you want me to make two hundred hats of the same style. So at least you pay me double price."

61、We can learn from the story that ______.

A.Only the straw hats of the same style were sold

B.most American people don't want to do the same work again and again

C.the straw hats were sold only in the mountain village

D.the price will be cheaper if you buy a lot of hats of the same style

62、How much did the nice hat cost? ______

A.$ 5.

B.$ 10.

C.$ 15.

D.$ 20.

63、The answer of the shop-keeper really made the tourist ______.





64、Why did the shop-keeper demand the tourist to pay him double price? ______

A.Because the shop-keeper couldn't make two hundred hats of the same style.

B.Because the shop-keeper couldn't stand repeating the same work endlessly.

C.Because the shop-keeper didn't want to sell him so many hats.

D.Because the shop-keeper hadn't enough straw to make the hats.

65、"It will bore me almost to death" in Paragraph 5 means that ______.

A.it would be too expensive for the shop-keeper

B.the shop-keeper was bored and would die at once

C.the shop-keeper was dying

D.it would be too boring for the shop-keeper

Passage Two

It is exciting to apply for a job that really appeals to you. In making your application, there are a number of points for you to observe.

In your letter of application, say just enough to give a good account of yourself without being wordy. If you are answering an advertisement, any information for which it asks must, of course, be given. This will usually cover your academic record and any further education and training. You may also be asked to give the names of one or two persons to supply references. For this purpose you should choose people who know you well enough to vouch(保证) for your character and ability; and to be polite, you should seek in advance their permission to be named as referees.

It will depend on circumstances how much you can carefully add about yourself. Your purpose is to bring to the notice of the employer any good reason why you rather than any of the other applicants should be chosen for the job. Therefore, if you feel you have any special skill or talent for the work, or particular interest in the line of the business, let it be known.

Finally, there is your use of language. You cannot go wrong if you keep your sentences and paragraphs short, making sure the sense is clear and well-expressed. Choose plain words so long as they convey the meaning.

66、The aim of writing a letter of application is to ______.

A.indicate why you are most suitable for the job

B.reveal to the employer your academic record

C.show your character and ability

D.give enough information about yourself

67、In your letter of application try to ______.

A.keep it as long as possible

B.give more information about your education and training

C.cover more of your academic record

D.say briefly with enough information

68、The author suggests you choose ______ words so long as they express your meaning.





69、The underlined word "referees" in Paragraph 2 refers to people ______.

A.who examine the application letters

B.who write reference books for the employees

C.who solve problems for the employers

D.who give you reference letters

70、Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? ______

A.Making a Job Application

B.Effective Letter Writing

C.Writing Letters to Employers

D.Writing for Advertisements

Passage Three

Doctors have known for a long time that extremely loud noises can cause hearing damage or loss. The noise can be the sound of a jet airplane or machines in factories or loud music or other common sound at home or at work. A person only needs to hear the noise for a little more than one second to be affected. An American scientist has found that using aspirin can increase the temporary hearing loss or damage from loud noise. He did an experiment, using a number of male students at a university who all had normal hearing. He gave them different amounts of aspirin for different periods of time, and then he tested their hearing ability. He found that the students who were given four grams of aspirin a day for two days suffered much greater temporary hearing loss than those who did not use aspirin. The hearing loss was about two times as great. The scientist said millions of people in the United States use much larger amounts of aspirin than were used in the study. He said these people face a serious danger of suffering hearing loss from loud noise.

71、Hearing damage or loss may be caused by ______.

A.loud music

B.the sound of a jet airplane or machines

C.common sound at home and at work

D.all of the above

72、This passage suggests that one's hearing ______.

A.will be damaged even if he hears a loud noise for a little more than one second

B.will be damaged even if he hears a loud noise for a little less than one second

C.will not be damaged even if he hears a loud noise for a little more than one second

D.will not be damaged even if he hears a loud noise for a little less than one second

73、According to this passage, we can draw a conclusion that aspirin ______.

A.should never be taken more than four grams a day

B.makes hearing damage from noise worse

C.decreases hearing damage by two times

D.should never be taken for more than two days

74、Millions of Americans are in danger of suffering hearing loss from loud noise because they ______.

A.take too much aspirin

B.like listening to loud music

C.make loud noise at home and at work

D.often take jet airplanes

75、The scientist found from his experiment that ______ a day for two days would affect a person's hearing.

A.one gram of aspirin

B.two grams of aspirin

C.three grams of aspirin

D.four grams of aspirin

Passage Four

Ancient people had little idea of the nature of the earth's surface. But if they lived on the seashore, they knew that there was land and sea.

People who lived near the sea noticed that there were two kinds of land. There were, first, little pieces of land surrounded by sea. One Latin word for "sea "is" salum", which means "salt". This is because sea water, unlike rain-water, contains salt--it is salty. So a piece of land in the sea was "in salt" in Latin, and this became isle in English.

Then there was another kind of land that went on and on. It was "continuous" land, and so became known as continent in English from the Latin "continens" meaning continuous. In English, we also speak of a continent as the mainland ("main" comes from the Latin "magnus" meaning "great"), as opposed to island( isle-land).

To the ancient Greek, there seemed to be three continents separated by sea. The-Mediterranean Sea, in fact, gets its name from the Latin "medius" (middle) and "terra"(land). It was a sea that lay in the middle, with three bodies of land around it. The three continents—Asia, Europe and Africa—are actually connected by land. Africa and Asia are connected by only the small Sinai Isthmus, from the Greek "isthmus" meaning "a narrow passage", but Europe and Asia are connected by land for a thousand miles or more and it is customary to speak of Europe as a continent. Many geographers speak of the landmass of Asia plus Europe as Eurasia, and Eurasia plus Africa is sometimes called the World Island. The three together are surrounded by sea, so they form a large island, and they contain about 85 percent of the earth's population.

76、People in ancient times knew ______.

A.a lot about land and sea

B.some continents were connected

C.little about the surface of the earth

D.many people lived on the World Island

77、The word "continent" comes from ______ language.

A.the Latin

B.the Roman

C.the Greek

D.the Hebrew

78、"Eurasia" is the name for the continents of ______.

A.Europe and Asia

B.Europe and Africa

C.Africa and Asia

D.Europe, Asia and Africa

79、What connects Asia and Africa? ______

A.A small island.

B.A large desert.

C.A narrow passage.

D.A wide land.

80、About 85% of the population in the world are living ______.

A.in Europe

B.in Asia

C.in Eurasia

D.on the World Island

Part Ⅲ Translation


81、Learning English has been almost a painful experience for me, one that I wouldn't trade for anything. Not only did learning English teach me the value of hard work, but also gave me insights(领悟) into another culture. The most exciting result of having learned English is that I am able to communicate with many more people than before. Talking with people is my favorite activity, so the newly learned language allows me to meet new people, participate in conversations, and form new and unforgettable friendships.

Part Ⅳ Writing


82、Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition of 120 to 180 words. Your writing should be based on the title and outline given below.

College Students' Doing Part-time Jobs

1. 大学生做兼职的益处;

2. 大学生做兼职的弊端;

3. 你的看法。
