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2023-12-08 20:31:06 爱真题 336

第一部分 选择题

Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

1、We need to go shopping; there is ______ juice left in the fridge.

A.few                     B.much                   C.many                   D.little

2、—The train is leaving right now, but Tom hasn't arrived yet.

—Well, he said he ______ here on time.

A.came                   B.has come               C.come                    D.would come

3、There ______ a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow morning.

A.has                     B.has been                C.will have               D.is going to be

4、Potatoes can be grown in places ______ it is too cold to grow rice.

A.what                   B.where                   C.which                   D.whether

5、It was ______ that he couldn't finish it alone.

A.so a difficult job                                   B.such a difficult a job

C.a so difficult job                                   D.such difficult a job

6、Look what you've done! You ______ have been more careful.

A.must                  B.might                  C.should                 D.would

7、The harder you work, the ______ progress you'll make.

A.great                   B.greater                  C.more great              D.greatest

8、If you read a lot, your life will be full ______ pleasure.

A.of                      B.on                      C.by                      D.for

9、In April, the weather in Shanxi is so changeable that people may ______ four seasons in a week.

A.express                  B.describe                 C.organize                 D.experience

10、Could you tell me ______ to fly from Xiamen to Beijing?

A.it costs how much                                B.how much it costs

C.how much costs it                                D.how much does it cost

11、Let's do it ______ There is only five minutes left.

A.kindly                 B.hardly                  C.quickly                 D.nearly

12、______ puzzles me is why her books are popular among teenagers.

A.What                B.That                  C.Which                D.Why

13、The speaker raised his voice, but still couldn't make himself ______.

A.hear                   B.heard                   C.hearing                 D.to hear

14、Most little children are ______ about animals.

A.angry                 B.silent                   C.curious                 D.serious

15、I've made an ______ for you to see the dentist at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

A.interview              B.assignment             C.opportunity             D.appointment

16、He will have to watch his ______ because of his serious stomach problem.

A.diet                   B.style                    C.taste                    D.manner

17、I really enjoyed your lecture ______ there are some parts I didn't quite understand.

A.after                  B.though                  C.unless                  D.because

18、I enjoy ______ in the library, where I lose myself in a world of good books.

A.read                   B.reading                 C.to read                 D.being read

19、It is foolish of you ______ others for their mistakes.

A.forgive                B.forgiven                C.not forgive             D.not to forgive

20、Amy will have her ______ birthday party next Friday.

A.twelve                B.twelfth                C.the twelve             D.the twelfth

21、Mary likes the ______ of the cake. It is a heart.

A.shape                 B.color                    C.flavor                   D.size

22、Don't worry. Your package ______ here until you come back, so enjoy your shopping.

A.have kept             B.have been kept         C.will keep               D.will be kept

23、Jerry is the only one ______ advice Tom might listen to.

A.that                  B.which                  C.who                   D.whose

24、It is more ______ to use the underground train than other means of transportation to travel in Beijing.

A.general                B.precise                  C.expensive               D.convenient

25、He stood on the platform, waving until the train was out of ______.

A.mind                  B.sight                    C.reach                   D.control

26、No sooner ______ to the bus stop than the bus suddenly pulled away.

A.had they got          B.they had got           C.they got               D.did they get

27、My father, together with some of his old friends, ______ there already.

A.were                   B.has been                 C.have been               D.will be

28、All the volunteers were very tired, but ______ of them took a rest.

A.all                    B.both                   C.none                   D.neither

29、The ______ characteristic of all good teachers is enthusiasm.

A.shared                 B.traditional              C.physical                D.average

30、Her parents insisted that she ______ until she finished her degree.

A.stay                   B.stays                    C.stayed                  D.would


Directions: In this part ,there are 10 blanks in each of the following two passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

I learned my first lesson from my grandparents  31   I was young. They both grew up in very large families and lived through the Great Depression. Saving for a rainy day was their life philosophy.  32   looking for satisfaction through material items,they chose to lead a simple life together with their family.

Over the years my grandparents notice  33   changes in their community. Every year more farmland was  34   to build larger and larger homes. As real estate (地产) prices rose, many of their neighbors sold their little homes and land. Soon  35   was the only small house surrounded by many other large new houses. My grandparents built and lived in a small 600 square foot cottage for most of their adult lives. Lots of family members encouraged my grandparents to expand their little old house,  36   they didn't want a bigger one. They loved their house and were content  37   what they had.

My grandparents avoided a consumptive (浪费的) lifestyle by painting and repairing the house themselves. They lived in a small home, but had a huge  38  , where they could grow vegetables and fruits. That reduced their grocery bill, improved their health, and gave them an excuse to be  39  .

From my grandparents, I learned an important lesson: It is possible to live a simple life. My grandparents taught me that living a simple life isn't about self-deprivation (自我牺牲).  40  , it's about giving yourself the time, freedom, and money to pursue your dreams.

31、A.when                  B.after                    C.since                    D.because

32、A.More than            B.Rather than            C.In spite of              D.In view of

33、A.few                    B.great                    C.similar                  D.seasonal

34、A.planted                B.flooded                 C.protected               D.destroyed

35、A.hers                   B.ours                    C.theirs                   D.yours

36、A.as                     B.so                       C.but                     D.and

37、A.in                    B.on                     C.to                     D.with

38、A.room                  B.pool                    C.garden                  D.kitchen

39、A.back                  B.below                   C.outside                 D.behind

40、A.Besides                B.Somehow               C.Instead                 D.Therefore

It is the age of the wheel. People have nearly forgotten  41   to use their feet. When we ride, it is the vehicle  42   is moving, not ourselves. We are trapped inside its fixed environment, and once we have taken in its sensory (感官的) aspects—mainly in terms of comfort or discomfort—we  43   our perceptions (感知) and either go to sleep or open a magazine and begin dozing off.

But when we walk, the environment  44   every moment, and our senses are continuously being alerted. Around each corner of a city block, around each bend in a country road, there is  45   new to greet the eyes, the ears, and the nose. Even the  46   walk, the one we may take every day is never the same from one day to another, from one week and season to another.

This is true not only in the country, but  47   at all. In New York City, a group of executives who meet every weekday morning  48   from their homes to their offices. On their daily route they see, hear, and smell the city in all its seasonal changes, under bright and cloudy skies. Only the terrible weather stops them  49   dressed, they can walk with pleasure in spring rain, autumn, drizzle, the sunlight of a summer morning or a soft winter snowfall. As far as I am concerned, I would make walking my priority (首选)  50   it gives me the greatest pleasure.

41、A.how                    B.why                      C.when                    D.where

42、A.that                  B.what                   C.who                   D.whose

43、A.put on                B.find out                C.rum off                D.look for

44、A.lasts                   B.shines                  C.improves               D.changes

45、A.nothing               B.something              C.anything                D.everything

46、A.same                  B.slow                    C.long                    D.brief

47、A.anytime               B.anywhere               C.anyone                  D.nowhere

48、A.run                    B.ride                     C.walk                    D.drive

49、A.heavily                B.formally                C.poorly                  D.suitably

50、A.because               B.unless                  C.though                 D.until

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best ONE and mark the or corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

Joseph Pulitzer was born in 1847 in Mako, Hungary. He emigrated to the United States when he was seventeen years old, and was naturalized on his twentieth birthday. He spent his career in journalism working in the mid-west and New York. From 1871 he was also the owner or part-owner of many newspapers, His most famous newspaper was the New York World. The World campaigned against corruption, and exposed many scandals (丑闻). It was also a strong supporter of the rights of the working man.

In later life, Joseph Pulitzer collapsed from overwork, and lost his sight. He became dedicated to improving the quality of journalism in America, and donated $1 million to Columbia University to found a school of journalism. However, his most significant contribution was the establishment of the Pulitzer prizes in his will.

These prizes for excellence in journalism have been given every year since 1917 by Columbia University. Since 1942 there have been extra categories for press photograph, and later still for criticism, feature writing and commentary. The prize was originally for $ 500, but today winners of the prize receive a gold medal. However, the real value of the prize is worth much more than $ 500 to the journalist and to the newspaper that employs him or her.

51、Joseph Pulitzer spent his career in ______.

A.politics                B.education               C.writing                 D.journalism

52、The New York World ran a campaign against ______.

A.crime                  B.drugs                   C.corruption              D.immigration

53、The most significant contribution made by Joseph Pulitzer was ______.

A.the donation to a school of journalism

B.the dedication to journalism in America

C.the founding of the New York World

D.the establishment of the Pulitzer prizes in his will

54、Today, the winner of the Pulitzer prizes can get ______.

A.$ 500                B.$ 5,000                C.$1 million            D.a gold medal

55、The best title of the passage is ______.

A.Joseph Pulitzer                                   B.The New York World

C.Columbia University                              D.The Pulitzer Prizes

I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed to say for the instruction of the young, for it is in one's tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable.

First, always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the run because if you do not, they will make you. Most parents think then know better than you do, and you can generally make more by accepting their advice than you can by acting on your own better judgment.

Be respectful to your superiors (上级), if you have any, also to strangers, and sometime to others. If a person offends you, and you are in doubt as to whether it was intentional or not, do no resort to (诉诸) extreme measures. Yes, always avoid violence; in this age of charity and kindliness, the time has gone by for such things.

Go to bed early,get up early. This is wise. Some say get up with the sun; some say get up with one thing, others with another. But a lark is really the best thing to get up with. It gives you a splendid reputation with everybody to know that you get up with the lark.

Now as to the matter of lying, you want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Once caught, you can never again be in the eyes to the good and the pure, what you were before. Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single ill—finished lie. Some people hold that the young ought not to lie at all. That, of course, is putting it rather stronger than necessary.

56、What was the author's purpose of the speech? ______

A.To offer the youth some information.

B.To comfort parents of the youth.

C.To give the youth some advice.

D.To show his attitude toward life.

57、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ______

A.Young people had better act on his/her own judgment.

B.Young people should show respect to his/her superiors.

C.Young people should go to bed early and get up late.

D.Young people should cherish their dreams at an early age.

58、According to the passage, when young people are offended, they should ______.

A.ask for an apology                                B.fight back right away

C.turn to other for help                             D.deal with it by non-violent means

59、What does the underlined part "such things" in Paragraph 3 mean? ______

A.Offence.               B.Violence.               C.Policy.                  D.Intention.

60、What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 probably mean? ______

A.If caught lying, you will be considered a dishonest person.

B.If caught lying, you will be considered a disloyal person.

C.If caught lying, you are sure to hurt other people in some way.

D.If caught lying, you can find an excuse for yourself.

Earth Day is the largest, most widely celebrated international environmental event. Learning about and protecting Earth is what Earth Day is all about. People all over the world celebrate our efforts to protect plants and animals and to clean up the world we live in. Most people celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd each year. In some countries, it is celebrated a month earlier on the vernal equinox (春分), which occurs on or around March 21st.

Senator Gaylord Nelson of the United States founded Earth Day. Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22nd, 1970, in the United States. Across the United States, over twenty million people participated in the first Earth Day. The huge turnout (到场人数) for the first Earth Day made it the largest organized celebration in the history of the United States. Earth Day's success helped influence the government of the United States to create stronger laws to protect the environment.

On March 21st, 1971, United Nations Secretary General U Thant made Earth Day an international celebration. He spoke about it at a Peace Bell ceremony at the United Nations in New York City. United Nations Earth Day ceremony continues each year on the day of the vernal equinox, with the ringing of the UN Peace Bell at the very moment of the equinox.

61、Who is the founder of Earth Day? ______

A.U Thant.             B.Bill Clinton.            C.Gaylord Nelson.        D.Barack Obama.

62、How many people participated in the first Earth Day of the United States? ______

A.Less than two million.                          B.Less than twenty million.

C.More than twenty million.                       D.More than two billion.

63、The United Nations Earth Day falls on ______.

A.March 21st            B.March 25th             C.April 21st              D.April 22nd

64、Why do people celebrate Earth Day? ______

A.To ring the UN Peace Bell.

B.To influence the US government.

C.To be in honor of Gaylord Nelson.

D.To celebrate our efforts to protect Earth.

65、What can be learned from the passage? ______

A.Earth Day is celebrated each year worldwide.

B.The US has passed laws to celebrate Earth Day.

C.The US and the UN celebrate Earth Day on the same day.

D.UN Secretary General attends annual Earth Day celebration in person.

第二部分 非选择题

Section B

Directions: In the section, answer each of the following questions in no more than FIVE words.

The Lantern Festival has been part of Chinese New Year celebrations since Han Dynasty. Usually held on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar, it marks the end of New Year festivities.

It is said that the holiday evolved from an ancient Chinese belief that celestial spirits could be seen flying about in the light of the first full moon of the lunar calendar. To aid them in their search for the spirits they used torches. Later, these torches gave way to lanterns of every shape, size and color.

The Lantern Festival is also popularly referred to as Chinese Valentine's Day because in the old days it gave girls and boys a rare chance to go out in the evening and mingle. Today, the Lantern Festival is held each year in Chinese mainland, Chinese Hong Kong, Singapore and Chinese Taiwan to mark the end of Chinese New Year celebrations. Competitions are held to select the best lanterns.

The lanterns come in all shapes and sizes. Some are created in the form of animals, insects, flowers, people or even machines or buildings. Part of the Lantern Festival tradition involves a game to guess riddles attached to the lanterns. Stilt-walking, drumming and dragon and lion dancing are all traditional forms of festival entertainment.

66、Since when has the Lantern Festival been part of Chinese New Year celebrations?

The Lantern Festival has been part of Chinese New Year celebrations since ______.

67、What did people use torches to search for in the past?

People used torches to search for ______ in the past.

68、What is the Lantern Festival also popularly referred to as?

The Lantern Festival is also popularly referred to as ______.

69、According to the passage, where is the Lantern Festival held each year?

The Lantern Festival is held each year in Chinese mainland, Chinese Hong Kong, ______.

70、What are the traditional forms of entertainment for the Lantern Festival?

The traditional forms of entertainment for the Lantern Festival are riddles, stilt-walking, drumming and ______.


71、Directions: Write on the ANSWER SHEET a letter of about 100 words based on the information below.

4月16日晚上7点学校大礼堂将举办一场民族音乐会。请你以学校学生会主席的名义写一封邀请函,邀请喜欢中国传统文化的外籍教师Mr. Big参加。

To: Mr. Big

From: Alex Wang, Chair of the Student Union

For: Chinese folk music concert

Place: School stadium

Time: 7:00 pm, April 16th

March 24th, 2018

Dear Mr. Big,




Sincerely yours,

Alex Wang, Chair of the Student Union
