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2023-12-08 20:33:56 爱真题 873

第一部分 选择题

Ⅰ. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

1、 By the end of 2019, the world population ______ over 5 billion.

A. has reached                B. reached

C. was reaching              D. had reached

2、 But for the computer games, I ______ the final English exam last term.

A. would pass                B. would have passed

C. passed                 D. pass

3、 He is quite confident in his vision ______ the future.

A. of         B. in         C. for        D. on

4、 The lamp ______ on the ceiling.

A. hangs       B. hanged      C. hung       D. is hanging

5、 Their new car is ______ BMW.

A. the        B. an        C. a         D. /

6、 He accepted his father's advice that he ______ computer science instead of ecology.

A. studied       B. studies       C. had studied    D. study

7、 It was ______ that almost nobody listened to the lecturer attentively.

A. such a boring lecture           B. such boring a lecture

C. boring such a lecture           D. boring such a lecture

8、 Is there any solution ______ this problem?

A. with       B. for        C. to        D. of

9、 Given her interest ______ children, teaching seems to be the ______ option for her.

A. in; right      B. for; right     C. in; wrong     D. on; wrong

10、 It was while I was reading a book ______ I first learned of it.

A. who        B. that        C. which       D. whom

11、 ______ he comes or not, it makes no difference to me.

A. No matter how              B. No matter what

C. No matter why              D. No matter whether

12、 Legend has it ______ the president of our company is about to retire next year.

A. which      B. whether      C. that        D. when

13、 ______ bed and reading ______ harmful to your eyes.

A. Lying in; are   B. Lying on; is    C. Lying on; are   D. Lying in; is

14、 He is ______ person.

A. a one-eyed                B. a one-eye

C. an one-eyed               D. an one-eye

15、 You'd better ______ an umbrella in case you get caught in the rain.

A. take       B. took       C. brought      D. bring

16、 The building is said ______ in an accident last year.

A. to have destroyed             B. to be destroyed

C. to have been destroyed          D. having been destroyed

17、 The plan having been made, ______ is to carry it out.

A. what we can do             B. who we can do

C. when we can do             D. where we can do

18、 Thomas went to the university, ______ he met his coach named Fredrick.

A. who        B. which       C. where       D. when

19、 He was disappointed to notice that ______ a thousand ______ a hundred attended the meeting.

A. neither; but    B. not; nor      C. not; but      D. neither; nor

20、 Scarcely ______ his eyes when the nurse rushed to his side.

A. the patient had opened          B. the patient has opened

C. had the patient opened          D. has the patient opened

21、 —It was very hot yesterday.


A. So was it     B. So it was     C. It so was      D. Was it so

22、 We are ______ to Beijing this fall.

A. considering going             B. considering to go

C. considered going             D. considered to go

23、 Due to sufficient supply at the market and less demand, the pork price gradually decreases ______ 10%.

A. to        B. by        C. for        D. from

24、 We might wonder ______ it is possible to live a clean life in cities.

A. which      B. what       C. why        D. whether

25、 This is my ______ birthday party.

A. twenty                   B. twentieth

C. a twenty                 D. a twentieth

26、 The Winter Olympic Games in Beijing started ______ Feb. 4th, 2022.

A. at        B. in        C. on        D. to

27、 ______ day I had yesterday!

A. How good               B. What good

C. What a good              D. How a good

28、 It is green development ______ we Chinese are valuing these years.

A. that       B. which       C. when       D. where

29、 There ______ a teacher and many students in the classroom.

A. be        B. is         C. are        D. has

30、 I have never been to the Great Wall; ______.

A. so haven't my parents          B. nor have my parents

C. my parents haven't           D. neither my parents have

Ⅱ. Cloze

Directions: In this part, there are 10 blanks in each of the following two passages. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

Many years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. Mr. Clark and his wife worked and saved, making plans for their nine children and themselves to travel to the United States. It had taken years, and they had finally saved enough 31 and had got passports and tickets for the whole family on a new liner to the United States.

The whole family were 32 with expectation and excitement about their new life. However, seven days before they left for the US, the youngest son was bitten by a 33 . The doctor treated the wound of the boy, but he hung a yellow sheet on the Clarks' front door. Because of the possibility of rabies (狂犬病), they should be kept away from others for fourteen days.

The family's dream was destroyed. They would not be able to make the 34 to America as they had planned. The father, filled with disappointment and anger, 35 the ship leave—without the Clark family. The father shed tears of disappointment and cursed both his son and God for their bad luck.

Five days later, a piece of 36 news spread throughout Scotland—the strong and powerful ship, Titanic, had gone down, taking 37 lives with it. The Clark family were to have been on that ship, 38 because the son had been bitten by a dog, they were left behind in Scotland.

When Mr. Clark heard the news, he hugged 39 son and thanked him for saving the family. He thanked God for turning what he had felt was a sad thing 40 a good thing.

Although we may not know why, all things happen for a reason.

31、 A. time       B. money      C. history      D. life

32、 A. expected     B. fill        C. expect      D. filled

33、 A. shark      B. dog        C. whale       D. tiger

34、 A. effect       B. travel       C. trend       D. friend

35、 A. viewed      B. looked       C. saw        D. watched

36、 A. exciting     B. happy       C. sad        D. disappoint

37、 A. thousand of    B. hundreds     C. hundreds of    D. thousands

38、 A. but       B. and        C. or        D. so

39、 A. her        B. his        C. them       D. us

40、 A. down       B. onto        C. into        D. up

When I was 13, my only purpose was to become the star on our basketball team. That meant beating Max, who was the best 41 at our school.

The basketball season started in September and all summer long I worked out. I carried my basketball everywhere for 42 .

Just before September, Max was struck by a ear and lost his right arm. I went to see him after he came back from hospital. He looked very 43 , but he didn't cry.

That season, I 44 all of Max's records while he watched the home games from the bench. We went 10-1 and I was named as the most valuable player, 45 I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Max's accident.

One afternoon, I was crossing the field to go home and saw Max 46 for going over a fence—which wasn't hard to climb if you had both arms. I'm sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to accept 47 from. But finally he accepted. I helped him move slowly over the fence. When we were finally safe on the other side, he said to me, "You know, I didn't tell you this during the season, but you did 48 . Thank you for filling in for me."

His words freed me from my bad 49 . I thought to myself, how even without an arm he was more of a leader. Damaged but not defeated, he was still ahead of me. I was right to have 50 him. From that day on, I grew bigger and a little more real.

41、 A. coach       B. student      C. teacher      D. player

42、 A. practice      B. show        C. comfort      D. pleasure

43、 A. pale       B. calm        C. relaxed      D. ashamed

44、 A. held       B. broke       C. set        D. tried

45、 A. and       B. then       C. but        D. thus

46、 A. stuck      B. hurt       C. tired       D. lost

47、 A. praise       B. advice       C. assistance     D. apology

48、 A. fine        B. wrong       C. quickly      D. normally

49、 A. memories     B. ideas       C. attitudes      D. dreams

50、 A. challenged    B. cured       C. invited       D. admired

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best ONE and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

How to Help Kids Grow

All parents have sky-high hopes for their children. They want their children to be confident and content. What can parents do to help their kids grow up to lead happy and productive lives? Experts advise:

1. Helping them find their talents. In order to succeed, children need to feel they're good at something. So expose your children to as many interests as possible; then let them choose those they like best!

2. Applauding their accomplishments. A study found that students whose parents paid attention to their abilities were far more likely to do well in school and in life than students whose parents didn't show such support. So celebrate your kids' achievements, no matter how small they are.

3. Giving them responsibilities. Responsibilities help youngsters grow into mature and self-motivated adults. So assign your children household chores when they are young. Four-year-olds can pitch in by picking up their dirty clothes and setting the table.

4. Letting them make decisions and mistakes. Making their own decisions increases a child's self-control and boosts their self-esteem. And allowing kids to make wrong decisions—as long as doing so won't harm them—helps kids learn from their mistakes.

5. Encouraging them to solve their own problems. As they grow, children need practice in communicating, standing up for themselves and compromising. One of the best places to learn these skills is at home. So the next time your child runs to you complaining that her brother picks on her, step back and let them work it out.

51、 What should parents do so that their children are likely to do well in school? ______

A. Have high expectations on their children.

B. Appreciate their children's achievements.

C. Put great pressure on their children.

D. Expand their children's range of interests.

52、 What is the parents' purpose to assign their children housework? ______

A. To spare some time to relax.

B. To relieve themselves.

C. To enhance children's sense of responsibility.

D. To share the heavy housework.

53、 Which of the following statements is TRUE? ______

A. Parents should stand up for their children whenever they are needed.

B. Parents should try to settle the dispute among children.

C. Parents should stay out of any conflict among children.

D. Parents should encourage children to communicate with each other.

54、 What should children do as advised by experts? ______

A. Try every means to please their parents.

B. Be entitled to make family decisions.

C. Be encouraged to solve their own problems.

D. Learn to make good decisions at an early age.

55、 What does the writer mean in writing this passage? ______

A. To criticize some wrong ideas held by parents.

B. To comment on some popular ways of family education.

C. To present some good ways of handling troublesome children.

D. To offer parents some good suggestions on children education.

If you have to describe yourself to someone else, what will you say? It can be difficult to see yourself from the outside, but knowing who you are, namely self-awareness, can help you understand feelings and make friendships closer.

Self-awareness means having a good understanding of our own character, that is, having the ability to see ourselves clearly. If you're self-aware, you may know that you love playing an instrument because you do well in it, and music makes you happy, or that you prefer watching TV on your own because it helps you relax.

Knowing what you like and dislike, what you do well in and what you find difficult allows you to make better decisions about friendships, schoolwork and so on. You learn to trust your own feelings more, which builds confidence. The World Health Organization says self-awareness is one of ten important life skills that help young people live happier and healthier lives. Being self-aware doesn't mean only thinking of yourself. By understanding your own feelings, you will better understand other people too.

How do you learn to be self-aware? It s a good way to ask questions. But ask yourself questions that start with "What" instead of "Why". So if you don't understand why you keep arguing with a friend, ask yourself what you disagree on instead of why you're arguing.

Learning to be more self-aware is a skill, which means you learn it as you grow. So be bold and try out new things, like playing a new sport or listening to different kinds of music. Don't be afraid to dislike something—discovering what you find difficult is a key part of learning more about yourself.

56、 What is the second paragraph mainly about? ______

A. What self-awareness is.

B. What true happiness is.

C. How to find true happiness.

D. How to develop self-awareness.

57、 Knowing yourself is important because ______.

A. it'll make you think more of yourself

B. it'll make you perform better at school

C. it'll help you learn how to ask proper questions

D. it'll help you have a better understanding of others

58、 What does the underlined word "bold" in the last paragraph probably mean in Chinese? ______

A.努力的    B.自豪的    C.大胆的    D.耐心的

59、 What's one of the keys to becoming more self-aware? ______

A. Being in high spirits.

B. Discovering your weak points.

C. Having a taste for pleasant music.

D. Learning to get along well with others.

60、 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ______

A. It can be hard for you to know yourself well from others.

B. It takes a lot of time and energy to develop chose friendships.

C. It is important and necessary for you to make a right decision.

D. It is a must to stick to your opinions when arguing with others.

Online meetings may affect creativity, study finds. Many companies have moved online because of COVID-19, with work meetings around the world taking place on the Internet instead of in the office. But a recent study has found that online meetings may affect creative thinking.

The study, published in Nature, included 602 people who were divided into random pairs. Each pair was given five minutes to think of creative uses for one certain item, and then one minute to choose the most creative idea. Some pairs were asked to work together on a video call, while others worked in person. The results showed that the in-person pairs had more ideas than the virtual pairs.

Some researches were also done to see whether focusing on a screen could affect a person's creativity. Teams working together virtually spent more time looking directly at each other and remembered lots of their surroundings when asked later. The in-person pairs spent more time looking around the room but also had more ideas.

The researchers did the same study with 1,490 engineers. The pairs were asked to think of new product ideas and choose one as an idea for their company. The results were similar to the first study, with the engineers who met in person thinking of more product ideas, and the virtual pairs making slightly better decisions about which idea to choose.

The results suggested that businesses should think carefully about which tasks can be done online, and which—like thinking of new ideas—should be done in person.

61、 According to the passage, under the influence of COVID-19, besides offline meetings, some companies also have meetings ______.

A. airline       B. online       C. underline      D. outline

62、 How many pairs were there in the study published in Nature? ______

A. 602.                 B. 1,490.

C. 745.                 D. 301.

63、 What does the phrase "in person" in the passage mean? ______

A. Going somewhere and doing something oneself.

B. Communicating by email.

C. Asking someone else for help.

D. Experiencing something different.

64、 According to the last paragraph, results of the study suggested that ______.

A. if a company wants to get more creative ideas, online meetings should be held

B. all tasks can be done online

C. if a company wants to get more creative ideas, in-person meetings should be held

D. businesses should pay less attention to which tasks can be done online

65、 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ______

A. The study published in Nature showed that online meetings might affect creativity.

B. The study with engineers showed that the virtual pairs made slightly better decisions about which idea to choose.

C. Focusing on a screen can affect a person's creativity.

D. The in-person pairs had fewer ideas than the virtual pairs.

第二部分 非选择题

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are required to read a passage and fill in each blank with no more than FIVE words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Like most people, I was brought up to look on life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes through my mind, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important letter to my home in time, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later, I needed a post office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. "Wasn't it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?" I said yes. "Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office even if we have to make one for you. You don't know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints."

From the passage, we understand that the author did not understand the importance of giving away until he was in 66 .

According to the author, you don't have to be 67 in order to give away.

The author wrote a note of appreciation to the post office because the postman delivered 68 in time.

More than 69 , when the author needed a post office box, many people had applied for post office boxes before him.

The postmaster said they usually get nothing but 70 .

Ⅳ. Writing

(30 points)

71、Directions: Write on the ANSWER SHEET an email of about 100 words based on the information below.




