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2023-12-08 20:32:46 爱真题 268

第一部分 选择题

Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

1、Please don't smoke in the meeting room, ______?

A.do you                 B.will you                C.can you                 D.could you

2、The temperature in November is ______ higher in Hainan than in Beijing.

A.so                      B.very                    C.more                    D.much

3、Fifty dollars ______ a big sum of money for a ten-year-old boy.

A.is                       B.are                      C.being                   D.to be

4、The family photo often reminds me ______ the good old days with my grandparents.

A.in                     B.of                      C.on                     D.with

5、I have read ______ you lent me.

A.all of books            B.the all books           C.all the books           D.whole the books

6、She has ______ her mind and is going to Australia instead of America.

A.made                   B.decided                 C.changed                D.exchanged

7、The fridge I bought yesterday occupied about ______ of the space in my kitchen.

A.two fifth              B.two five               C.second fifth            D.two fifths

8、In the end he achieved his goal, but ______ the cost of his health.

A.at                     B.on                     C.with                   D.by

9、The newly-bought washing machine is ______. It doesn't work now.

A.out of date              B.out of order             C.out of danger           D.out of question

10、They got to the station, only ______ the train had already left.

A.to find                B.finding                  C.found                   D.find

11、You ______ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.

A.can't                   B.mustn't                  C.needn't                  D.may not

12、While ______ in the street the other day, I came across an old friend of mine.

A.walk                   B.walking                  C.walked                  D.having walked

13、Mary ______ a job in a company, but she refused to take it, which made her mother very angry.

A.offered                B.was offered             C.has offered             D.was offering

14、The agricultural output has been ______ steadily in the past few years.

A.risen                   B.arisen                    C.raised                    D.aroused

15、Mother needs ______ help in the kitchen whenever we have guests for dinner.

A.total                   B.social                   C.additional               D.formal

16、According to the timetable, the train for Shenzhen ______ at seven o'clock in the evening.

A.was leaving           B.has left                 C.will leave               D.leaves

17、I regret to tell you that I have no choice ______ to cancel our meeting.

A.or                     B.and                     C.but                     D.than

18、John is over fifty, but he looks as if he ______ only in his thirties.

A.is                      B.were                    C.will be                  D.has been

19、I think ______ very important that we should learn English pronunciation well.

A.its                   B.this                   C.that                  D.it

20、The professor gave his audience a vivid ______ of what he had experienced abroad.

A.conversation          B.decision                 C.conception              D.description

21、—Which of the two stories do you like better?

—______ shorter one, of course. It's really one of ______ most interesting stories I have ever read.

A.A; the                B.The; a                 C.The; the               D.A; a

22、My hair needs ______ and I will get it done tomorrow.

A.cutting                B.cut                      C.being cut               D.to cut

23、When the old man is alone in the house, his dog makes him feel ______ and relaxed.

A.safe                   B.healthy                 C.lonely                  D.angry

24、Hardly had we gathered on the playground ______ it began to rain.

A.than                  B.when                  C.that                    D.where

25、I owe my success to so many people, my English teacher ______, who helped me a lot with my study.

A.after all               B.by chance               C.on purpose             D.in particular

26、Although Anne is happy with her success, she wonders ______ will happen to her life in the future.

A.which                B.when                  C.what                   D.that

27、Since the new technique was adopted, the factory has produced ______ products as last year.

A.twice as many         B.as twice many           C.twice many as           D.as many twice

28、This dictionary, ______ my father bought in the US, has been recommended to my class by my English teacher.

A.that                   B.when                   C.who                    D.which

29、Not until the accident happened ______ my carelessness.

A.I realized               B.did I realize             C.I have realized          D.have I realized

30、The manager demands that the new secretary ______ operating office software.

A.be good at             B.is good at                C.are good at              D.was good at


Directions: In this part, there are 10 blanks in each of the following two passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much. One day while she was walking in the forest, she found two dying birds. She took them  31   and put them in a small cage. She was happy to have such two "friends". She  32   them with love and the birds grew strong. One day the girl happened to leave the door of the cage  33  . The bigger and stronger of the two flew out of the cage. The girl was  34   that it would fly away. She caught it quickly. She felt glad that she caught the bird before it could fly away. Suddenly she couldn't  35   any sound from the bird. When she opened her hand, the bird was already dead. Her love killed the bird! Then she noticed  36   bird jumping up and down  37   the cage. She could feel its great need for  38  . It wanted to fly into the clear, blue sky, so she lifted it from the cage and let it fly away  39  . The bird circled once, twice and three times. The girl watched as the bird flew. She didn't care about losing the bird  40  . Instead she wanted it to be happy. Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder. It sang the sweetest song she had ever heard.

The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly, and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.

31、A.home                  B.house                   C.family                  D.building

32、A.looked on             B.looked up               C.looked over             D.looked after

33、A.opened                B.open                    C.to open                 D.opening

34、A.grateful               B.proud                   C.afraid                   D.happy

35、A.hear                   B.speak                   C.listen                   D.bear

36、A.other                  B.the other               C.others                  D.another

37、A.behind                B.around                  C.out of                  D.in

38、A.food                   B.friendship              C.freedom                D.bright

39、A.slowly              B.happily               C.loudly                D.highly

40、A.any more              B.some more              C.no more                D.much more

The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. During the Festival, Chinese people have  41   activities. They paste up Spring Festival couplets (春联), greeting the New Year and saying goodbye to the  42   year. On the first day of the Spring Festival, people hang out, wearing new clothes. Nowadays, children may get red pockets  43   their parents and relatives by Wechat. It is also a good time for people to visit their relatives and friends.

The Spring Festival is  44   not only in China but also in  45   parts of the world. Every new year, many British people also get together and have some activities. They sing songs,  46   to music, share photos with friends or watch movies in the cinema. In addition, the Spring Festival has become a key time for the Chinese living in Australia. They  47   a large evening party to welcome the traditional New Year. The celebrations usually last for three weeks. Thousands of people come to Sydney's Chinatown, and there they enjoy fireworks and lion dances. Also in Singapore, the family dinner on New Year' Eve is an important  48   for overseas Chinese whether they were born or  49   there from China. They usually have it at  50   because having it in a restaurant decreases the traditional festive atmosphere.

41、A.many                  B.a lot                    C.much                   D.a little

42、A.new                   B.long                    C.future                  D.past

43、A.to                    B.from                   C.by                     D.with

44、A.congratulated         B.happened               C.taken                   D.celebrated

45、A.one                    B.another                 C.other                   D.others

46、A.dance                 B.sing                     C.talk                     D.play

47、A.go                     B.come                    C.hold                    D.walk

48、A.party                 B.tradition               C.hobby                 D.habit

49、A.sat                   B.left                    C.played                 D.moved

50、A.restaurant             B.school                  C.home                   D.library

Ⅲ.Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide on the best ONE and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

Nowadays more and more children seem to get lost in "a sea of digital (数字的) technology". As they use digital technology too much, they are losing their ability to do simple things. They can't make toys with hands or help Mum cook meals. And worst of all, they seem to be losing interest in communicating with others.

"I have talked with a lot of teachers. They care about the increasing number of young pupils who can play with computers or smart phones, but have few or even no skills to play with making things," said a teacher, Nancy. "Many pupils can't communicate with other pupils but their parents talk proudly of their ability to use a computer or a smart phone,"she added.

Instead of playing with other children, many children are choosing to stay indoors and quietly play iPad on weekends and after school. How can a child grow up to be a very good artist if he doesn't learn how to use a paintbrush and develop his painting skill? How can a child make friends as he gets older if he doesn't learn how to communicate with others at a young age?

Every coin has two sides. We can use stones to either break windows or build a house. We shouldn't blame the children, instead we should help them make right choices. It is certainly necessary for children to know how to use digital technology in today's world, but more importantly, we should encourage them to develop socializing abilities, which will do them good when they grow up.

51、According to the first paragraph, what's the worst problem when children are addicted to digital technology? ______

A.Children don't want to stay at home.

B.Children can't help Mum cook dinner at home.

C.Children don't want to make things themselves.

D.Children don't like communicating with others.

52、According to Nancy, which of the following statements is TRUE? ______

A.Many teachers don't care if the young pupils can use digital technology.

B.Some parents are very happy that their kids can use digital technology.

C.Many parents are worried about their kids using digital technology too much.

D.Some teachers don't notice that their pupils have few skills to communicate with others.

53、According to the passage, what activity do many children choose to do on weekends and after school? ______

A.Playing iPad indoors.                             B.Painting with paintbrushes.

C.Helping Mum cook meals.                        D.Playing with friends outdoors.

54、What does the underlined word "blame" in the last paragraph mean? ______

A.encourage             B.criticize                 C.forgive                  D.admire

55、What does the sentence "Every coin has two sides" in the last paragraph imply? ______

A.Digital technology is always bad for young kids.

B.Digital technology is always good for young kids.

C.Digital technology is unnecessary for young kids.

D.Digital technology can be used for either good or bad.

A boy was watching his grandmother write a letter. At one point he asked: "Are you writing a story about what we've done? Is it a story about me?"

His grandmother stopped writing her letter and said to him, "I am writing about you, actually, but more important than the words is the pencil I'm using. I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up."

Interested, the boy looked at the pencil, It didn't seem very special. "But it's just like any other pencil I've ever seen!"

"That depends on how you look at things. It has five qualities which, if you manage to hang on to them, will make you a person who is always at peace with the world."

First quality: You are capable of great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps. We call that hand God, and He always guides us according to His will.

Second quality: Now and then, I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. That makes the pencil suffer a little, but afterwards, it's sharper. So you, too, must learn to bear certain pains and sorrows, because they will make you a better person.

Third quality: The pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. This means that correcting something we did is not necessarily a bad thing; it helps to keep us on the road to justice.

Fourth quality: What really matters in a pencil is not its wooden exterior, but the graphite (石墨) inside. So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.

Fifth quality: It always leaves a mark. Just in the same way, you should know that everything you do in life will leave a mark, so try to be conscious of that in your every action.

56、What was the grandmother writing about in her letter? ______

A.The story of her grandson.                       B.The hopes for the future world.

C.The five qualities of the pencil.                   D.The story of grandmother herself.

57、In the eyes of the boy, the pencil was ______.

A.special                B.heavy                   C.common                D.strange

58、Why did the grandmother ask her grandson to stand pains and sorrows? ______

A.Because it would guide his steps.

B.Because it would make him a better person.

C.Because it would help him keep on the road to justice.

D.Because it would remind him what is happening inside.

59、What did the grandmother remind the boy to do? ______

A.To make no mistakes.                            B.To leave a mark in his life.

C.To make the pencil sharper.                      D.To care about his behavior.

60、What is the best title of the passage? ______

A.The Making of the Pencil                        B.The Usage of the Pencil

C.The Story about the Pencil                      D.The Importance of the Pencil

Emma is a famous hostess of a TV station. When she was 15, she happened to walk into a bookstore in her hometown and began looking at the books on the shelves (书架). The man behind the counter, John Smith, asked if she'd like a job. She needed to start saving for college, so she said yes.

Emma went to work after school and during summer vacations, and the job could help her pay for her first year of college. During college she also did many other jobs; serving coffee in the students' union, working as a hotel cleaner and making maps for the Forest Service. But selling books was one of the most satisfying jobs for her.

One day a woman came into the bookstore and asked Emma for books on cancer. The woman looked anxious. Emma showed her practically everything they had and other books they could find. The woman left the store less worried, and Emma has always remembered the pride she felt in having helped her customer.

Years later, as a television hostess, Emma heard about a child who was born with problems with his hand. His family could not afford an operation, and the boy lived in shame, hiding his hand in his pocket all the time. Emma persuaded her boss to agree to let her do the story. After the story was broadcast, some doctors called, offering to perform the operation for free. Emma visited the boy in hospital after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his mended hand and say, "Thank you." What a sweet sense of satisfaction Emma felt!

At Smith's bookstore, Emma always felt she was working for the customers, not the store. Today it's the same. The TV station pays her, but she feels that she should work for the people who watch the programs, helping them understand the world better.

61、Emma got her first job ______.

A.after she graduated from college                 B.when she was studying at college

C.when she was working in the TV station            D.a few years before she entered the college

62、Which part-time job satisfied Emma most? ______

A.Working as a hotel cleaner.                       B.Selling books in the bookstore.

C.Serving coffee in the students' union.             D.Making maps for the Forest Service.

63、What does the underlined word "practically" in Paragraph 3 mean? ______

A.几乎           B.实践地           C.实事求是地        D.特别地

64、What did Emma do to help the child? ______

A.She broadcast the story about the child.          B.She raised money for the child.

C.She paid for the operation herself.                D.She invited the child to show on TV.

65、What particularly gave Emma the "sweet sense of satisfaction"? ______

A.Enjoying different jobs.                           B.Paying for the college education herself.

C.Helping people through her work.                D.Being a famous hostess of a TV station.

第二部分 非选择题

Section B

Directions: In the section, answer each of the following questions in no more than FIVE words.

A global survey has asked 6,204 children in 47 countries around the world about their hopes, dreams and fears. The worldwide report "Small Voices, Big Dreams" is from the children's charity Child Fund. It asked ten to twelve-year-olds six questions about the world and their future. It discovered that education, food and the environment are their biggest worries. A Child Fund spokesman said, "We're always surprised to see how much importance children put on education." He added that he was pleased that children saw the link between education and a better future. It shows the depth of maturity of children, who clearly understand the connection between education and changing their worlds for the better.

The children were asked the question, "If you were president or leader of your country, what would you do to improve the lives of children in your country?" Most said they would focus on education. The children also answered the question "What are you most afraid of ?" Over 25 percent of kids in developing countries said their greatest fear was dangerous animals and insects. The environment was also a big worry for the children. The report says, "Across the world, nearly half of children said they would plant more trees and build more green space to help improve the planet." As for future careers, almost 20 percent of the children want to be a professional athlete when they grow up.

66、Who organized the global survey?

The survey was organized by the children's charity ______.

67、How old were the children attending the survey?

They were ______ years old.

68、What makes over 25% of the children surveyed in developing countries most frightened?

They said their greatest fear was ______.

69、According to the result of the survey, what are the biggest worries of the children?

The children's biggest worries are ______ and the environment.

70、How many children in the survey want to become a professional athlete?

About ______ of the children want to be a professional athlete.


71、Directions: Write on the ANSWER SHEET a composition of about 100 words based on the information below.





(2)社会实践(social practice)

